压铸常见缺陷成因(Causes of common defects in die-casting).doc

压铸常见缺陷成因(Causes of common defects in die-casting).doc

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压铸常见缺陷成因(Causes of common defects in die-casting)

压铸常见缺陷成因(Causes of common defects in die-casting) There are many quality problems in die-casting production, and the reasons are many. The production must be correctly judged on the quality problems produced. To find out the real reason, we can put forward effective and feasible improvement measures to improve the quality of casting. In the quality problems arising from the production of die-casting parts, the characteristics and causes of the defects, including the improvement measures, are described respectively. A, owe In the forming process of die casting, some parts are incomplete and are called undercast. When the badly cast parts are serious, the shape of the casting can not be regarded as the drawing requirements. It is usually not allowed to exist for the undercast. The reasons for the failure are: 1) poor filling conditions and irregular condensation metal in the uncast parts When the pressure is insufficient, the metal solidified at the front of the flow is premature, resulting in the failure of the Angle, deep concave, thin wall (even thinner than average wall thickness) and cylindrical hole wall. The mold temperature is too low The alloy is too low in temperature The water gate position is not good, forming large flow resistance 2) the gas is obstructed. The surface of the cast part is smooth, but the shape is irregular It is difficult to open an overflow system where gas accumulates When the molten metal flows, the turbulent flow is intense 3) the mold cavity has residue The amount of coating or spraying method is improper, causing local coating deposition The forming part of the forming part is too large, or the sliding coordination gap is too large, and the filling is filled with metal, and the casting is not taken out completely and it is presented in the gap. When the kind of sheet metal (sheet metal, its thickness is the aperture size) and convex in peripheral surface is more, and in the case of clamping will jut out into suitable for casting wall


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