扶壁式挡土墙计算实例(Calculation example of retaining wall retaining wall).doc

扶壁式挡土墙计算实例(Calculation example of retaining wall retaining wall).doc

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扶壁式挡土墙计算实例(Calculation example of retaining wall retaining wall)

扶壁式挡土墙计算实例(Calculation example of retaining wall retaining wall) The TXT life is a web of holes, and it leaks all the passionate water. Loneliness is when you talk without someone listening, while someone is listening and youre not saying it! This example comes from: Title special structure Author huang taiyuan yuan jian cheng jie yun China electric power press Book number 5083-8990-5 Textbook of common high education eleventh five-year plan Example of supporting wall retaining wall The retaining height of a project is 8.3 m, and the standard value of the floor under the wall is qk = 10 kN / m2, The filling soil is sand soil, and the internal friction Angle of the fill is jk = 35 o, fill earth with heavy g m = 18 kN / m3, behind the wall Land filling level, no groundwater. The foundation is cohesive soil, and the void ratio is e = 0.786, liquid index IL = 0.245, a foundation Bearing capacity eigenvalue fak = 230 kPa , the foundation soil heavy g = 18.5 kN / m3. According to the geographical position of the retaining wall The high factor of wall and wall is taken into account, and the retaining wall of retaining wall is chosen The retaining wall. Solution: IL = 0.245 0.25 is a hard viscous soil, the friction coefficient of soil to the base of the retaining wall is m. (0.35, 0.45), M = 0.35. Check specification hb = 0.3, hd = 1.6. 1) the formulation of the main dimensions In order to ensure that the foundation is buried deeper than 0.5 m, d = 0.7 m, the retaining wall is always high H = 8.3 m + d = 9m. Two buttresses net From the ln Take the height of the retaining wall 1/3 ~ 1/4. Take the natural log = 3.00 ~ 2.25 m, and take the natural log = 3.00 m. The vertical surface of the wall is used as an imaginary wall to calculate the coefficient of soil pressure 2 jk 35 ° 2 Ka = Tan (45 ° -) = Tan (45 ° -) = 0.271 22 According to the anti-slip stability requirement, according to the equation (3-6) : 22 ka B2 + B3 3 1.3 (qH + 0.5 g H. ) K = 1.3 ( 9 + 10 18 9) 0.271 = 0.5


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