柳传志再谈接管理班问题(Liu chuanzhi again talks about the management class).doc

柳传志再谈接管理班问题(Liu chuanzhi again talks about the management class).doc

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柳传志再谈接管理班问题(Liu chuanzhi again talks about the management class)

柳传志再谈接管理班问题(Liu chuanzhi again talks about the management class) Recently, the star of lenovo entrepreneurship lecture hall held in wuxi, lenovo chairman liu chuanzhi said that lenovo to do without a family of family enterprises, through the way of equity incentive and the cultural inheritance to produce the true master of enterprise. In the lecture hall, liu also commented on the lack of an enterprise master. In February 2009, when lenovo group appear big losses, lenovo group founder liu chuanzhi comeback as group chairman of the board, in Mr Liu mountain again a few quarter, lenovo quickly turn a profit, and the lenovo PC to further improve market share in global. With the growth of lenovo groups performance, liu chuanzhis retirement has become a common concern in the industry. It is reported that lenovos board of directors has studied the succession issue in the last year and conducted long-term assessment. According to liu chuanzhis idea, he will be in lenovo station for the last post, and will lenovo this team lead well. Previously, liu chuanzhi had offered a condition for seeking a successor, which was not only a vision, but also a recognition of lenovos core values and the methodology of lenovo. To this end, for a long time, liu chuanzhi made the board and management more communication, while grasping the cultural construction of lenovo group. In wuxi star of lenovos lecture hall during the interview, liu again emphasized the family business to do have no family, he said: the generation of lenovo wants to do a long-term business, hope to make it a family business, family enterprise is to have a real master, master is a family enterprise, lenovo, we wont let family family will stands in the way of the development of the capable people, nepotism, we should, in the form of equity and culture to the next person, first of all, the real is the master of business. Liu chuanzhi also comments on the competition situation, for example, he said, at present, some big com


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