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绗?5 鍗 绗? 鏈 鎺 鍒 涓 鍐 绛 2010 骞 8 鏈 Vol. 25 No. 8 Control and Decision Aug. 2010 鏂囩珷缂栧彿: 1001-0920 (2010) 08-1184-05 鍩轰簬妯℃嫙閫€鐏畻娉曠殑鐢靛姏绯荤粺杈撶數闃诲鎴愭湰鎺у埗 鍒 鏂? 濮 鍥? 浜曞厓浼 (涓滃寳澶у淇℃伅绉戝涓庡伐绋嬪闄紝娌堥槼110819) 鎽 瑕? 鐮旂┒浜嗗疄鏃剁數鍔涚郴缁熶腑杈撶數闃诲绠$悊鐨勬垚鏈帶鍒堕棶棰? 閽堝鍚屾椂寮€鏀惧彂鐢典晶鍜岃礋鑽蜂晶鐨勬儏褰? 寮曞叆闃诲鐜 鍥犲瓙, 寤虹珛浜嗘柊鐨勯樆濉炶垂鐢ㄤ紭鍖栨ā鍨? 鍩轰簬minimax 鎬濇兂鍜屾ā鎷熼€€鐏畻娉? 灏嗗疄鏃堕樆濉炵鐞嗛棶棰樿浆鍖栦负鏈€澶ц緭鐢甸樆濉 鏃惰皟鏁磋垂鐢ㄦ渶灏忕殑闈炵嚎鎬ц鍒掗棶棰? 寰楀埌浜嗗叏灞€鏈€浼樿В. 浠跨湡缁撴灉琛ㄦ槑, 鏀硅繘鐨勪紭鍖栨ā鍨嬪彲鏈夋晥缂╁噺鍜屾帶鍒惰皟鏁磋垂 鐢? 鎵€璁捐鐨勭畻娉曠畝鍗曞彲琛屼笖瀹夊叏鍙潬. 鍏抽敭璇岤 鐢靛姏绯荤粺锛涢樆濉炵鐞嗭紱妯℃嫙閫€鐏紱鏋佸皬鏋佸ぇ锛涜皟鏁磋垂鐢 涓浘鍒嗙被鍙耳 TP13 鏂囩尞鏍囪瘑鐮? A Cost control of transmission congestion management in electricity systems based on simulated annealing algorithm LIU Bin, JIANG Nan, JING Yuan-wei (School of Information Science and Engineering锛孨ortheastern University 锛孲henyang 110819锛孋hina 锛嶤orrespondent: JIANG Nan 锛孍-mail 锛歫iangnan@ise.neu.edu.cn) Abstract: This paper investigates the cost control problem of congestion management model in the real-time power systems. An improved optimal congestion cost model is built by introducing the congestion factor in dealing with the cases of opening the generator side and load side simultaneously. The problem of real-time congestion management is transformed to a nonlinear programming problem. While the transmission congestion is maximum and the adjustment cost is minimum based on the minimax idea and simulated annealing algorithm, and the global optimal solution is obtained. Simulation results show that the improved optimal model can obviously reduce the adjustment cost, and the designed algorithm is safe and easy to implement. Key words: Electricity systems 锛汣ongestion management 锛汼imulated annealing锛汳inimax 锛汚djustment cost 1


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