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unit 2 重点词汇语法
Unit 2 Myths and Legends
Text Structure:
Introduction (Para. 1)
Ekwefi, the favorite and most skillful storyteller, told folk stories.
Why the tortoise’s shell is not smooth (Para. 2-21)
All the birds were invited to a feast in the sky. (Para. 2)
B. Tortoise planned how he would go to the sky with all the birds. (Para. 3)
C. Tortoise made all the birds agree that he was a changed man, and they all gave him a feather, with which he made two splendidly colorful wings. (Para. 4-8)
D. Tortoise’s selfish words and deeds at the feast in the sky. (Para. 9-16)
The birds’ revenge and Tortoise’s result. (Para. 17-21)
Sentence Study:
His body rattled like a dry stick in his empty shell. (Line 13)
本句采用了明喻的修辞手法,非常形象地说明了乌龟饥饿的程度。like是介词,表示“像……一样”,是这个比喻句的比喻词,his body 是本体,a dry stick是喻体。明喻(simile)就是两个不同类对象之间的相似点进行比喻。明喻中常用like做比喻词,此外还有as, as if, as though, as … as, similar to等等。
Her happiness vanished like the morning dew. 她的幸福像晨露一样消失了。
Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and cannot last. 美者犹如夏日蔬果,易腐难存。
It rained as if the flood-gates of Heaven were opened, and it lighted awfully. 雨倾盆而下,犹如天上的水闸打开了,而且电光闪闪,极其可怕。
Slowly but surely he began to plan how he would go to the sky. (Line 14)
slowly but surely: carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地
surely: in a sure way 稳当地,踏实地,有把握
Slowly but surely the great ship glided into the water. 那艘巨轮缓慢而平稳地下水了。
My hometown is slowly but surely changing. 我的家乡正缓慢却实实在在地发生着变化。
The power of heaven moves slowly, at the same time surely. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
They chose to fly home on an empty stomach. (Line 67)
choose to do something
表示“选定,决定做某事”, 后面接不定式。
They choose to ignore her warning. 他们决定不理她的警告。
Few women, offered the chance of such a career, would choose to stay at home. 如果有事业机会, 几乎没有妇女会愿意呆在家里。
I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher. 我决定继续我音乐教师的生涯。
And there he stood in his hard shell full of food and wine but
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