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( ) 第 19 卷 第 1 期 贵州大学学报 自然科学版 Vol . 19 No . 1 2002 年  2 月 Journal of Guizhou University (Natural Science) Feb . 2002 文章编号  1000 - 5269 (2002) 0 1 - 0073 - 06 A Comparison Bet ween the Technics and Exconomy f or Several Types of ExternalWall Exterior Insulation Technologies Guo Feng (Depart ment of Building Engineering Guizhou Univer sity , Guiyang 550025 China) Abstract  By applying t he coefficient of function and effect and t he coefficient of val ue , technicaleconomic investigation on several type of internal externalwall exterior insulation technologies for t he new building and t he old building , and is selected t he better technologies of effect and value . This will p rovide beneficial references for t he develop ment of building energy saving works and t he st udying of exterior insulation materials. Key words  externalwall exterior insulation technology ,coefficient of function and effect ,coefficient of value . 1  Introduction The external walls exterior insulation technology , is of t he character s of suiting to many sort s of st ruct ure systems , having function of insulation and rational const ruction , good effect of insulation , having no cold bridge , not holding usable area of buildings , fine p rotection for main const ruction , convenient const ructing , adding not many of invest ment and out st anding general economic bene


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