全站仪轴线误差分析与改正计算 - 河北工业科技.PDF

全站仪轴线误差分析与改正计算 - 河北工业科技.PDF

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全站仪轴线误差分析与改正计算 - 河北工业科技

22 6 河 北 工 业 科 技 Vol. 22, No . 6 2005 11 H ebei Journal of Industrial Science and T echnology No . 2005 : 1008- 1534( 2005) 06-0370- 03 ( 石家庄铁路职业技术学院土木系, 河北石家庄 05004 1) : 针对全站仪的轴线( 视准轴横轴竖轴) 和 光镜轴线固有的几何关系对角度观测和距离 观测具有一定的影响, 找出变化规律, 明确影响程度, 并给出相应的补偿和改正方法, 为提高全站仪 测角测距的精度提供了理论依据, 对生产实践中根据精度要求合理选择补偿和改正选项具有指导 意义 : 全站仪; 测角; 测距; 误差; 改正 + : T U 198 . 7 : A A nalysis and correcting computation of ax is line error for the electronic total station obser ations ZHOU Shu-bo ( Department of Ci il Engineering , Shijiazhuang Vocational Institute of Railw ay T echnology, Shijiazhuang H ebei 050041, China) Abstract: The geometry relation of three ax is lines( ax is of collimation, lateral axis, ertical ax is ) and t he ax is line of range finder prism cert ainly ha e influences on the angle and distance sur ey. It supplies the theoret ical base for impro ing the accura- cy of the electronic total stations measuring angles and distance to find the principle of changing and clarify the extent of influ- encing. It also pro ides the guidance for reasonably choosing the item of compensat ing and correcting according to the require- ment of accuracy in practice. Key words: electronic total stat ion; measuring angles; measuring dist ance; errors; correcting , 1 [ 1] , 1. 1 , , , , , , 1 c, c , , x c = c = c # sec A, ( 1) cos A : $x c = x cB - x cA = c( sec AB - sec AA ) , ( 2) : 2


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