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全自动血球分析仪 - 阳明大学

.tw/ymirc 陽明大學儀器資源中心 Instrumentation Resource Center of National Yang-Ming University History 「國立陽明大學儀器中心」成立於民國75年,為國內第一個全校性共用核心設施;初期以建置價格較為昂貴且具共用性之儀器為主,以支援校內研究為目的。 The Instrumentation Center of NYMU was founded in 1986 and is one of the first in the country. The initial goal of Instrumentation Center is to provide research labs in the campus “access” to “expensive equipments”. 民國95年更名為「國立陽明大學儀器資源中心」,為因應本校「邁向國際一流大學」之目標「邁向國際一流大學」,本中心積極擴展「代客操作之實驗服務」業務,並陸續成立「影像核心設施」、「流式細胞核心設施」等新設施 。 In 2006, the Instrumentation Center was renamed “Instrumentation Resource Center” to reflect its new services in experimental services. Core facilities including Imaging Core,Flow Cytometry Core are now online for service. 本中心現有四個公共儀器室,設置於校園不同區域以提供服務 There are four Common Facility Rooms distributed in different areas of the campus 第一公共儀器室(山上區域: 研究大樓3、4樓) The 1st Common Facility Room is located at Research Building 3F 4F. 第二公共儀器室(山下區域: 傳醫大樓7樓) The 2nd Common Facility Room is located at Traditional Medicine Building 7F. 第三公共儀器室(山腰區域: 護理館2樓) The 3rd Common Facility Room is located at Nursing Building 2F. 第四公共儀器室(圖資大樓6樓) The 4th Common Facility Room is located at Library and Informatics Building 6F. Locations of IRC Common Facility Rooms 1st CFR: Research Building 3F 4F 2nd CFR: Traditional Medicine Building 7F 3rd CFR: Nursing Building 2F 4th CFR: Library and Informatics Building 6F 一、自行操作之共用儀器 Common facility: self service 二、代客操作之實驗服務 Core facility: custom service 影像核心設施 Imaging Core 流式細胞核心設施 Flow Cytometry Core 磁振造影核心設施 MRI 電子顯微鏡核心設施 Electron Microscope 液相層析質譜儀系統 UPLC/MS 蛋白質體中心 Proteomics Research Center 基因體中心 Genome Research Center 三、其他服務 Other services 大型海報輸出 Poster printout 二 / 三次水、乾冰 Water Purification System , Dry Ice Service Contents 儀器資源中心首頁 在儀器資源中心網頁上 皆可獲得所需資訊 .tw/ymirc 申請使用共用儀器之程序 Application for using IRC Common Facility 步驟一:Step 1: 請至中心網頁詳閱「國立陽明大學儀器資源中心儀器開放使用管理規則」 。 Please carefully read through the IRC regulations on Common Facility. 步驟二:Step 2: 請至中心網頁註冊,負責人線上確認


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