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施工技术交底记录Record of Construction Technical Disclosure (CTD)交底日期Date of disclosure:2015年(Year)月(Month)____日(Day)工程名称 Project项目施工图号 Drawing#单位工程名称 Package(Unit)施工单位Construction sub-con分部(项)工程名称 Sub divisional work(Specified)主体钢筋 Reinforced bar used for main structure施工班组Construction working crew(工种Designation)钢筋班Reinforced bar team技术交底内容 Content of technical disclosure:1、钢筋进场必须具有合格证并经抽样送复试合格后方准使用 The rebar delivered to the site shall be attached with quality passed certificate and samples shall be taken for test before using. It can be allowed to use on site unless it has passed the sample test.2、钢筋加工时应严格控制尺寸,避免原材料浪费及尺寸不足等现象发生。钢筋锚固长度和搭接长度、弯钩等应该严格按照RAPID-P0001-CCSM-CVS-STD-1300-0001~0004图纸的说明要求 The dimensions of the rebar shall be strictly controlled when rebar is being processed so that the waste of raw materials or insufficient dimensions can be avoided. The length of rebar anchoring and lap and bent hook shall all conform to the requirements and specification of drawing# RAPID-P0001-CCSM-CVS-STD-1300-0001~0004.3、阴雨天气,应将钢筋用彩条布覆盖,现场堆放时应离地面有一定的高度,防止被雨水浸泡和泥污,使用前对已经锈蚀的钢筋应进行除锈On rainy days ,the rebar shall be covered by blue sheet .The rebar shall be stacked with certain distance to the ground so as not to immersed by the rain water or stained by the mud. The already formed rust on the rebar shall be removed before using. 4、钢筋绑扎时,严格按照图纸及规范要求施工,受力钢筋绑扎时,相交点必须逐点绑扎。熟悉图纸、按设计要求检查已加工好的钢筋规格、形状、数量是否正确。箍筋与主筋要垂直,箍筋转角处与主筋交点均要绑扎,主筋与箍筋非转角部分的相交点成梅花交错绑扎 When banding and fixing the rebar, the drawings and specifications shall be strictly followed . The stressed rebar shall be banded along the crossing points one by one. Check whether the specifications, shapes, quantity of the processed rebar meet up with the requirements of drawings and design or not. The stirrup shall be vertical with the main bar and the banding shall also be done at nook of stirrup and at the crossing point with main bar. The crossing points of main bar and the non-nook part of stirrup shall be banded in plum blossom sh


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