
CRT 含铅玻璃及其冶炼废渣的铅浸出毒性研究.PDF

CRT 含铅玻璃及其冶炼废渣的铅浸出毒性研究.PDF

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CRT 含铅玻璃及其冶炼废渣的铅浸出毒性研究

中国环境科学 2014,34(12) :3237~3241 China Environmental Science CRT 含铅玻璃及其冶炼废渣的铅浸出毒性研究 * 谢芳芳, 欧志远,李金惠 ,刘丽丽 (清华大学环境学院 , 固体废物处理与环境安全教育部重点实验室,北京 100084) 摘要:通过评估阴极射线管(CRT)含铅玻璃及其冶炼后废渣的环境影响,有助于 CRT 玻璃回收和处置.本文采用醋酸缓冲液法(HJ/300-2007) 研究了 CRT 的三种含铅玻璃及其铅冶炼后废渣的铅浸出特性,结果表明锥玻璃、颈玻璃和熔接玻璃铅浸出浓度均超出危险废物浸出标准, 其中熔接玻璃中的铅极易溶出,在 CRT 玻璃中毒性最大;而铅冶炼废渣中的铅也极易溶出,废渣中的含铅量应低于 1.5%才可视为一般固体 废弃物.除了铅在化合物中的含量,铅的赋存结构使铅化合物浸出毒性差异很大. 关键词:锥玻璃;熔接玻璃;铅渣;铅浸出;CRT 玻璃 中图分类号:X705 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-6923(2014)12-3237-05 Lead leaching characteristics of CRT leaded glass and its slag after lead extraction by smelting. XIE Fang-fang, OU * Zhi-yuan, LI Jin-hui , LIU Li-li (Key Laboratory for Solid Waste Management and Environmental Safety, Ministry of Education, School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China). China Environment Science, 2014,34(12) :3237~3241 Abstract :Evaluating the environmental impact of different cathode ray tube (CRT) leaded glass parts and its slag after lead extraction by smelting was helpful for the recycling and disposal of CRT glass. This study investigated the Pb leaching characteristics of different leaded CRT glass parts and its slag after lead extraction by HJ/T300 2007. The results showed lead leaching concentrations of funnel, panel, and frit glass all exceeded the threshold of leaching concentration for hazardous waste, and lead in frit glass was very easy to leach, contributing most to CRT toxicity; lead in slag was also very easy to leach, and leaded slag could be regarded as general solid waste only if its lead concentration was below 1.5%. Except for the Pb content in the material, Pb structure contributed a lot to the difference of Pb leaching. Key words :funnel glass ;CRT glass;frit glass ;Pb slag ;lead leaching 阴极射线管(CRT)是工业化生产最早、应用


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