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动物学报  50 (5) :873 - 879 , 2004 A cta Zoologica S inica         三疣梭子蟹卵附着机制及相关形态学特征 薛俊增1  吴惠仙2 1. 杭州师范学院生命科学学院 , 杭州 310036 2. 浙江大学生命科学学院 , 杭州 310012 The mechanisms and correlated morphological character of the egg attachment of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus 1 2 XU E J unZeng , WU HuiXian 1. School of Life Sciences , Hangzhou Normal College , Hangzhou  310036 , Zhejian g , China 2. College of Life Sciences , Zhejian g University , Hangzhou  310012 , Zhejian g , China Abstract  Using histological methods and scanning electron microscopy , the structure of cement gland and formation of outer eggmembrane and eggstalk of the swimming crab Portunus t rituberculatus were studied to explain the mechanism of eggattachment and function of the cement gland. Eggs adhered to the setae of pleopodal basipodite and endopodite for hatching followed by spawning but no egg attached on the setae of exopodite. The setae of pleopodal basipodite and en dopodite were smooth for egg attachment while the setae of exopodite were branched and suitable for collecting and pro tecting eggs. Cement gland distributed along longitudinal axis of the pleopodal basipodite and endopodite under epithelia cells. Cells of the cement gland were elliptical and its size was about 50 times of the epithelium. Some glue secreted to the surface of the pleopod along the seta , while the other glue secreted to the surface of the pleopod by the channel which across the integument of the pleopod. The first spawned egg was transferred to the setae that were far from the pore , not attached to the se


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