
均匀化退火对铝合金阳极活化性能的影响 - 材料工程.PDF

均匀化退火对铝合金阳极活化性能的影响 - 材料工程.PDF

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均匀化退火对铝合金阳极活化性能的影响 - 材料工程

27 Effect of Homogennizing Annealing on Activation Properties of Aluminum Alloy Anode 1 2 1 1 , , , , ( 1 , 300130;2 , 300130) 1 1 2 1 1 I Hong-fei , LIANG Guang-chuan , LI Guo-lu , LIANG Jin-sheng ,MENG Jun-ping ( 1 Institute of Power Source and Ecomaterial Science, Hebei University of T echnology, T ianjin 300130, China; 2 School of Material Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China) : Ga, In, Sn, Bi,Pb, Mn ; , : 400e , , ; 400e , , , : ;;; : T M911. 41 : A : 1001-4381( 2005) 10-0027-04 Abstract : High-performance aluminum alloy anode containing Al, Ga,In,Sn, Bi,Pb and Mn was pre- pared. Effects of homogenizing annealing on activation properties of aluminum alloy anodes were studied by measurement of polarization curves and analysis of SEM. The results show that the de- crease of the crystal defects is dominant for the Al-alloy-anode. s activation properties when the an- nealing temperature is lower than 400e , and with the increase of the annealing temperature the A-l alloy-anode. s activation properties decrease. T he solution of segregative phase is dominant for the Al-alloy-anode. s activation properties when the temperature is higher than 400e , and with the in- crease of the annealing temperature the A-l alloy-anode. s activation properties are improved. For the whole process of homogenizing annealing, the leading factor for the change of Al-alloy-anode. s acti- vation properties is the change of crystal defects.


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