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Prosperous Commerce City Life New Words commerce 商业 recreational activity 娱乐活动 paper currency 纸币 Prosperous Commerce Business time: from day to night Business area: 冲破了坊市制度的限制 Population: more than 1 million City Life: Clothes City Life: Clothes 式样瘦长,保守;做工精良,面料丰富。 City Life: food Regular food: the north: flour food the south: rice Meat: the north: mutton the south: fish pork Drink Tea Cooking way 煎、蒸、炒、煮 City Life: food 南北差异明显,种类繁多,烹饪方式多样. Make a menu A friend, from one southern city, came to KaiFeng to visit you. What would you treat him? City Life: Furniture City Life: Furniture City Life Furniture City Life Furniture 使用高足家具,舒适美观 City Life: Transportation City Life: Transportation City Life: Transportation City Life: Transportation 车、船、马、轿子,种类多,出行方便。 City Life: Recreation Recreational place 瓦舍 Recreational room 勾栏 Recreational activity 说唱 戏剧 百戏 City Life: Recreation Summary What do you think of the city life in Song Dynasties? 衣着精美 吃得丰盛 住得舒适 行得方便 玩得多样 Paper Currency Paper Currency Management 官方发行,设立交子务 会子务 发行数量应该和可以流通的铜钱 、铁钱数量相当. A visit to KaiFeng A good friend came to visit you and you would show him around KaiFeng. What will you do together? Summary 在隋唐的基础上,宋朝经济得到了很大的发展,是中国封建经济的高峰.我国四大发明中的三大发明都是在宋元时期得到了很大的发展和突破. * * 北宋开封 empress official official noble 娱乐生活丰富多彩 交子A 交子 铜钱 businessman A 铜钱 交子 交子B businessman B 交子 铜钱 交子 prosperous commerce frequent business (频繁的商业活动) paper currency“交子” more prosperous commerce 交子C 6500万贯 理宗时期 2300万贯 宁宗时期 240万贯 孝宗时期 100万贯 高宗时期 南宋纸币发行量 *


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