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第 31卷 第 5期 技 术 与 创 新 管 理 V ol. 31 No15 2010年 9月 TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVAT ION MANAGEMENT Sept12010 = * ) ) ) 论5废都6中的女性形象 郭 萌 ( , 71005 ) : 对于5废都6这部作品, 历来被关 的焦点是知识分子的精神危机以及小说中有关性的描写事实上, 这部 作品针对 20世纪 90年代社会上充斥着的拜金主义享乐主义等情绪, 引发了对传统价值观念的质疑和挑战小 说通过对牛月清唐宛儿柳月阿灿等女性形象的塑造, 真实地反映了这 一社会现状, 体现了作者对所谓现代文明 的本能抗拒和对受到挑战的传统价值观的坚守 : 5废都6; 女性形象; 传统价值观 : I 206. 7 : A : 1672- 7312( 2010) 05- 0623- 0 Guarding Securely the Traditional Values ) ) ) On the Fem ale Images in the Th e D iscard ed Cap ita l GUO M eng ( 1. Co llege of Lang uag e and L iterature, Shaanx iN orm al University, X ican 710062, Ch ina; 2. College of H um anities and Social Science, X ican Un iversity of Science and Techno logy, X ican 71005 , China Abstract: Peoplecs focused concern ofThe D iscarded Cap ital is the spirit crisis of theKnow ledgem embers and the descrip- tion of sex in the nove.l In fact, in the 1990s, thew hole societyw as fu ll ofm otions, such asm oney worsh ip and hedon ism, causing query and challenge to traditional values. The work really reflects the situation of the society from m olding fem ale mi ages, such as N iu Yueq ing, TangW ancer, L iu Yue, A Can, wh ich reflects the authorcs instinct resistance to the so- called m odern civilization and h is guard of traditional valueswh ich is under challenge. K ey words: The D iscarded Cap ita;l fem ale mi ages; traditional values , 56 , , , / , , , , 0[ 1] , , , , ,


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