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22 9 2006 9 Vol. 22 JOURNAL OF S ICHUAN COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Se . 2006 / 0/ 0 ) ) ) 兼议反语分类 任崇芬 (西南大学 文学院, 重庆 400715)* : 修辞格中的反语分类/ 正话反说0 与/ 反话正说0 , 其理论上的定义跟人们言语中的理解存在着差 / 正话0既可以着眼于字面, 又可以着眼于字里/ 反话0 亦然故把/ 正话反说0和/ 反话正说0对应于/ 褒词 贬用0 和/ 贬词褒用0 , 或者以/ 正话反说0兼指/ 反话正说0 等, 从整体看都有失之偏颇之处 : 正话; 反说; 反话; 正说; 反语 Positiv e statem en t, n egative u se an d negative statem en t, pos itive use ) ) ) O n th e cla ssifica tion of iron y A bstract: Concerning the classification of enantiosis in rhetoric, the theoretical definitions of litotes and irony are som ewhat dif- ferent from the eo les erce tion. The ositive statem ent can refer to either ex ression itself or its connotation, and it is the sam e to nega- tive statem ent. Therefore, to understand litotes as using negative words to ex ress ositivem eaning, and irony as using ositive w ords to ex ress negative m eaning, or to equa l the functions of these wt o conce ts, are ina ro riate from a holistic ers ective. K ey word s: ositive statem ent; litotes; negative statem ent; enantiosis; irony : H 146 : A : 1000-5757( 2006) 09-0069-03 / 0, / 0 / 0 56[ 5] : / , ) ) ) , , , 0 56[ 6] : / () / 0/ 0 / 0 56 [ 1] : / / 0 , / 0 , ,0 56[ 7] : / , 56[ 2] : / , , , , -. , , , , , 0 , , -. 56[ 8] : / ,


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