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101 V ol. 10 N o. 1 200 8 2 Progres s in S t eel Buil ding S t ruct ures Feb . 2008 1 2 董 震 , 张其林 ( 1. , 200092; 2. , 200092 : , , ; , : ; ; ; : T U 395 , T U 318. 03 : A : 1671- 9379( 2008 0 1- 0022- 07 Experiment Study and Design Met hod of Aluminum Alloy Panels 1 2 D ON G Zhen , ZH A N G QiL in ( 1. Shang hai P osts T elecommunicat ions Desig n Institute Co. , L td, Shang hai 200092, China; 2. Co lleg e of Civil Engineer ing , T ongji U niv ersity, Shang hai 200092, China DO NG Zhen : dz_china@ 126. com Abstract: T he positive and n eg ative un if orm load test s on the roof system s w ith alum iuum alloy p an els are done. T he m ech an ic ch aracteristic and failure model s of them are ob served, an d th e design m eth od is an alyzed in com bination w ith r elevant theory. A ccording to the test phenom en a and data, th e f ailur e of the r oof sy stem s un der po sitive loading is the result of com bin ed sh ear f orce an d b en ding; an d th e failur e of the ro of system s under negative loading is due to th e seam conn ec tions u nclosed suddenly, th e resist ance of w hich is sm aller than u nder positive loading. T h e design f orm ulas f or alum in ium alloy sheeting and clip w ere con clu ded an d verif ied by experim ent dat a and th eo retica


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