玉米芯脱盐及脱蛋白的预处理工艺 - 化工进展.pdf

玉米芯脱盐及脱蛋白的预处理工艺 - 化工进展.pdf

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玉米芯脱盐及脱蛋白的预处理工艺 - 化工进展

化 工 进 展 2017 年第 36 卷第 5 期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS ·1927 · 玉米芯脱盐及脱蛋白的预处理工艺 郭磊,尤伟娜,赵欣,胡仰栋,伍联营 (中国海洋大学化学化工学院,山东青岛 266100 ) 摘要:玉米芯等生物质资源的开发与利用是可持续发展的重要课题。本文对酸法脱除玉米芯中盐及可溶性蛋白 的预处理工艺进行了研究。在80℃和 100℃下,分别以水和稀硫酸按固液比1g ∶10mL 的条件对玉米芯进行萃取 处理,优化工艺条件;还研究了玉米芯中金属离子去除率的分析方法。结果表明:萃取液中金属离子含量能够 表示玉米芯的除盐率;在水中 100℃下玉米芯中可溶性蛋白去除率最大,稀硫酸不利于玉米芯中可溶性蛋白的去 除;较高的温度和酸度有利于玉米芯中金属离子的去除;同时去除可溶性蛋白与金属离子的合适工艺为:玉米 芯与水在100℃下反应0.5h,然后加硫酸至0.1%反应 1h。按此工艺,玉米芯中可溶性蛋白和金属离子的去除率 分别为97.1%和94.3% 。预处理后的玉米芯表面较原料玉米芯表面光滑且多孔。 关键词:玉米芯;预处理;蛋白质;金属离子;水解 中图分类号:TQ021.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000 –6613 (2017 )05 –1927 –06 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.047 Pretreatment technology of desalination and deproteinization of corn cobs GUO Lei ,YOU Weina,ZHAO Xin ,HU Yangdong ,WU Lianying (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,Shandong,China ) Abstract :The exploitation and utilization of renewable biomass resources has now gained more momentum. The conditions of dilute-acid pretreatment of corn cobs were studied. The corn cobs were pretreated by water and dilute sulfuric acid (solid-liquid ratio 1g ∶10mL)at 80 ℃ and 100 ℃, and the process conditions were optimized. The analytical method of the metal ions removal rate from corn cobs extract was studied. The result shows that the content of metal ions in the extract can be expressed in the desalination rate of corn cobs. The removal rate of soluble protein in corn cobs in water at 100 ℃ is the highest. The sulfuric acid is not conducive to the removal of soluble protein; the high temperature and high acidity are beneficial for


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