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第42卷第3期 生摇 物摇 质摇 化摇 学摇 工摇 程 Vol.42 No.3 2008年5月 Biomass Chemical Engineering May2008 农村生物质能利用发展模式分析 胡启春 (农业部 沼气科学研究所, 四川 成都 610041) 摘摇 要:本文归纳并提出了我国农村生物质能利用的3种主要发展模式,包括户用循环利用型、分布式能源型和商品化 燃料产品型,并分析了这些发展模式的主要特点和发展瓶颈。 同时就如何发展我国农村生物质能源,推进产业化的发展 思路提出了建议:1)基于不与粮食争地和发展循环型农业考虑,优先发展利用农业废弃物原料的生物质能转化技术;2) 启动能源农业采取先易后难的发展战略,优先应用现有的现代农业技术和传统高产的农产品原料;3)选择发展模式要根 据当地气候、农作方式和经济发展水平,因地制宜,强调多能互补;4)重视生物质能源技术多学科交叉的特点、尤其要注 重高新技术应用,加强技术引进。 关键词:生物质能;户用循环利用型;分布式能源型;燃料产品型 中图分类号:TQ91;TK6摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码:A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号:1673-5854(2008)03-0026-05 Analysis on Development Modelsfor the Utilization of Rural Biomass Energy HU Qi鄄chun (Biogas Institute of Ministry of Agriculture,Chengdu610041,China) Abstract:Main rural biomass development models including household biomass recycle鄄utilization model,distributed generation model and commercial bio鄄fuel product model in Chinawere surveyed and presented. Their characteristics and key barrierswere also analyzed. Some suggestions for how to develope biomass energy and how to promote its industrialization were made in the paper. 1)Basedontheunderstandingofnocompetitionwithfoodproductionanddevelopmentofrecycleagriculture,thetechnol鄄 ogy of biomass energy utilizing agriculturewaste should be in thefront rank. 2) As development strategy from easy to difficult, the start up of developing energy crops should base on present modern agriculture activities,meanwhile utilizing sometraditional crops with high production rate as sources. 3) The adoption of development modes should be depending on local climate, cultivated way, economical development level; and focusing on the supplementation between multiple renewable energy resources. 4)Thetechnologiesof biomassenergywereformedby dif



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