鸡胚致死孤儿病毒(celo)和鸡减蛋综合症病毒 - 中国实验动物学报.doc

鸡胚致死孤儿病毒(celo)和鸡减蛋综合症病毒 - 中国实验动物学报.doc

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鸡胚致死孤儿病毒(celo)和鸡减蛋综合症病毒 - 中国实验动物学报

鸡胚致死孤儿病毒(CELO)和鸡减蛋综合症病毒(EDS) 多重PCR检测方法的建立及初步应用 王淑菁付瑞李晓波王吉卫礼巩薇岳秉飞贺争鸣中国食品药品检定研究院实验动物,北京100050【摘要】目的 建立鸡胚致死孤儿病毒(CELO)和鸡减蛋综合症病毒(EDS)的多重PCR检测方法并进行初步应用。方法 参照GenBank提供的基因序列,设计了2对特异性引物分别扩增CELO长纤突蛋白和EDS六邻体蛋白的基因序列,建立检测CELO和EDS的多重PCR方法,考察该方法的特异性和敏感性,并使用该方法检测流感疫苗主种子批病毒是否存在外源性禽腺病毒的污染。结果 该多重PCR方法成功扩增得到了两条特异性目的条带,并经测序验证。该方法特异性好,灵敏度显示核酸最低检测量可达10-4ug/ml。使用该方法检测12批次流感疫苗主种子批病毒,外源性禽腺病毒的检测结果均为阴性。结论 成功建立鸡胚致死孤儿病毒和鸡减蛋综合症病毒的多重PCR检测方法,灵敏度高,特异性好。在流感疫苗主种子批病毒的外源性禽腺病毒的检测中具有很高的使用价值和应用前景。关键词: 鸡胚致死孤儿病毒;鸡减蛋综合症病毒;多重PCR Detection of chicken embryo lethal orphan virus (CELO) and egg drop syndrome virus (EDS) by multiplex polymerase chain reaction WANG Shu-jing,FU Rui, LXiao-bo,W Ji,W Li,G Wei,Y Bing-fei , HE Zheng-ming(National Institute for Food and Drug Control,Institute Laboratory Animal Resources;2. National Center for Monitoring of Laboratory Animal Health, Beijing 100050,China) [Abstract] Objective To establish multiplex PCR assay for detection of chicken embryo lethal orphan virus(CELO)and egg drop syndrome virus (EDS). Method According to GenBank gene sequence, two pairs of specific primers designed were amplified CELO long fiber protein and EDS hexon protein gene sequence. The specificity and sensitivity of multiplex PCR were tested. We also use the multiplex PCR to detect exogenous CELO and EDS in influenza virus. Results Two target bands have been successfully amplified and verified by sequencing. The specificity of the method is better, and the sensitivity is 10-4ug/ml. The results of detecting exogenous CELO and EDS in 12 influenza virus were negative. Conclusion The multiplex PCR assay for detection of CELO and EDS was established successfully, which have good specificity and high sensitivity, and have high value and application prospect for detecting exogenous CELO and EDS in influenza virus. 【Key Words】Chicken embryo lethal orphan virus(CELO);Egg drop syndrome virus (EDS);Avian adenovirus;Multiplex PCR ____________________________________ [基金项目] 实验动物质量检测关键技术研究2013BAK11B01


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