青少年原发性脊椎侧弯(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis).pdf

青少年原发性脊椎侧弯(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis).pdf

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青少年原发性脊椎侧弯(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis)

青少年原發性脊椎側彎(Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis) Introduction-簡介 : Scoliosis in patients between 10 and 18 years of age is termed adolescent scoliosis and can be due to many causes. By far the most common type of scoliosis in the adolescent period is one in which the cause is not known and is called idiopathic or adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Although significant ongoing research continues in this area, including the genetic basis for AIS, there are no identifiable causes for this condition today. Despite this, we currently have accurate methods to determine the risk for curve progression of scoliosis and good methods of treatment. 青少年脊椎側彎(Adolescent Scoliosis)是指 10~18 歲的青少年被診斷出脊椎側 彎的情況,有很多的原因都會造成 ,其中青少年原發性脊椎側彎(Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis ,AIS)是目前最常見的類型,雖然已有大量、積極的生醫研究 如基因研究等投注在這領域 ,但截至目前這類的病因以及詳細病況仍然不甚明 朗。即便如此,好消息是目前我們還是有一些有效的方法能夠分析病情惡化的危 險因子 ,也有一些好的治療計畫來改善患者的生活品質。 Causes-原因 : There are significant efforts being made toward identifying the cause of AIS, but to date there are no well accepted causes for this particular type of scoliosis. The vast majority of patients are otherwise healthy and have no previous medical history. There are though many theories about the cause of AIS including hormonal imbalance, asymmetric growth and muscle imbalance. Approximately 30% of AIS patients have some family history of scoliosis, and therefore there seems to be a genetic connection. Many Scoliosis Research Society members are working to identify the genes that cause AIS, and this knowledge continues to expand at a rapid pace. Most likely, there will be many genes associated with scoliosis and each may be helpful in detecting scoliosis and determining the risk for progression of the curve. 雖然現有大量的研究詴圖闡明青少年原發性脊椎側彎的原因,但關於這方面 的討論目前仍然沒有廣為大家所接受的共識。很大一部分的病人除了此疾病之外 都是很健康的,也沒有其他重大的個人病史 ,所以目前沒有發現其與其他疾病的 明顯關連性。此外,目前有許多的假設像是內分泌失調、不對稱的生長、或是不 平衡的肌肉發育也都被認為是與脊椎側彎的病發有關。另外,統計發現大約30% 的病人有脊椎側彎的家族病史,因此目前認為他跟基因是有一定程度的關聯性 , 很多的研究都詴著找出與此疾病


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