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提 要 目的:调查女性不孕症中医证型和病因状况分布特点,为其预防与诊疗策略提供 参考依据。方法:采取回顾性抽样调查列表收集女性不孕症病例 1186 例临床资料, 并对其进行统计分析。结果:1、中医证型临床上以复合证型多见占 79.3%,肾虚血 瘀型、肝郁血瘀型、肾虚肝郁型、肾虚痰湿型和肾虚型是不孕症常见证型,以肾虚血 瘀型最常见,将兼夹证型同时分别纳入与文献研究相应的不同单一证型,则肾虚型最 多见,共 750 例,占 1186 例病例的 62.2%,其次为血瘀型 591 例占 49.8%,肝郁型 498例占42%。2、女性不孕症患者发病多因素倾向较明显,多因素病因占48.6%,主 要病因构成为:排卵异常、输卵管因素和子宫因素,共占 85.5%,子宫因素性不孕比 例有所上升。3、对子宫因素的中医证型分布规律研究结果显示肾虚型、血瘀型、肝 郁型占绝大多数,其中肾虚型占63.3%。结论:1、中医证型临床上以复合证型为主, 肾虚型所占比例最大,其分布规律体现了不孕症的基本病机。2、女性不孕症发病多 因素倾向较明显,其主要原因是排卵异常、输卵管因素和子宫因素,子宫因素所致不 孕应引起重视。3、肾虚是子宫因素的最重要病机。4、提出的“女性不孕症病因初筛 的临床路径”,为规范不孕症诊断方案提供参考。 关键词 女性不孕症;中医证型;病因 A analysis on the distributive regulation of TCM syndrome type and Etiology of 1186 Female Infertility Specialty: Gynecology of TCM Author: Du Xiaoguo Tutor: Prof. Lian Fang Abstract Objective: To investigate the TCM syndrome type and etiology among female infertility, and give a scientific basis to reduce the incidence of infertility and improve the clinical management Methods: Take a retrospective sample survey to collect a list of cases of female infertility clinical data and then statistical analysis. Result: 1、In clinical sterility patients give the priority to compound pattern which accounted for 79.3%. Kidney deficiency and blood stasis, stagnation of liver and blood stasis, stagnation of liver-type kidney deficiency, kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency type dampness for infertility are common pattern. Kidney deficiency and blood stasis is the most syndrome pattern Each complex pattern will be bring into the different single pattern of the corresponding 1iterature research at the same time .So Kidney deficiency pattern is 750 cases (62.2%)in the first. Followed by blood stasis pattern is 591 cases(49.8%),stagnation of liver pat



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