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珠海四中2013届高一上学期10月段考 英语 (满分135分,考试时间120分钟) 注意:请将选择题答案转涂到答题卡,E填涂AB,F填涂CD 下列信息必须填涂:考号涂十位,科目涂英语,试卷类型A 考试完毕上交答题卡及第二卷。 第一部分:基础知识 I. 根据首写字母或中文意思完成下列句子?(10分) 1. I said hello to her, but she i _______ ?me completely. 2. We were lost in the forest and the snowstorm a ______ to our difficulties. 3. The children are rather c _______ 牋about their mother抯 health. 4. He looked calm, but a ________爃e was very nervous. 5. His n _______ language is not Chinese but he can speak it fluently. 6. He has a poor ____________牋(词汇量) , so he can’t express himself correctly. 7 .He lost his _____________ ?(身份) card and didn’t know what to do. 8. I know my ___________??(拼写) needs a lot of work. 9. Though I hadn’t seen Lily for ten years, I ________?? ?(辨认出)her voice immediately I picked up the phone. 10. His friend has ________ ??(遭受) from illness for some years. ? II. 用所学词组或短语完成句子 (20分) 1.?????? The poor girl _______________________ (经历了) many difficulties since her parents died. 2.?????? He always offers me help when I _______________________ (处于困境). 3.?????? He ________________________________(相处得很好) his boss. 4.?????? Women are not allowed to take part, but they _____________________(起重要的作用) in every event. 5.?????? He said that he had a lot of things to do, so he had to ___________________???????? (好好利用) his free time. 6.?????? Please forgive me because I didn’t want to hurt you ________________________(故意地). 7.?????? Today we should work hard ________________ (以便) do more for our country in the future. 8.?????? _______________________ (信不信由你) , I have passed the driving test. 9.?????? Speaking fluent English __________________ (建立在…..基础上) more practice. 10.?? American accent is totally __________________(不同于……) British accent. ? III. 句型转换:将下列直接引语转换为间接引语(15) 1. Joan said to her friend, 揑 will leave for USA tomorrow.?Ioan said to her friend that_____牋 ____爈eave for USA _____燺___燺___. 2. All the fans asked,o our 揥hen will Wang Fen turn up on the stage??燗ll the fans asked ____燱ang Fen 牋


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