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武汉市近几年(2002--2008)调考试题集锦 2002年1月 1.——How long ___ you ____ the city? ----- Let me see. For about five years. A.have; been to B.have; been in C.have;gone to D.did; come to 2.----Could I borrow your ruler, please? -----_______ A.Of course. With pleasure. B. You’re welcome C.It doesn’t matter. D.Thank you very much 3.---Let’s go swimming. ---_______ A.Why? B.Not at all C.Thanks a lot D.What a good idea! 4. ----I want to know ___our headmaster will come to the party or not. ----You’d better telephone him. A.how B.what C.whether D.that 5.---Could I speak to Li Ping,please? ----________ A.That’s very kind of you B.Yes,I am Li Ping. C.Hold on for a moment,please. D.That’s all right. 6.—I haven’t____ my daughter in New York for a long time. ---Really? Oh, no news is good news. A.received B.heard of C.heard from D.spoken 7.---Are you ____ in the story book? ---Yes.It’s very_______.I have read it twice. interested; interesting. B.interesting; interested C.interesting; interesting D.interested; interested 8.—The little girl likes____ in her mother’s clothes. ---Really? That’s unusal. wearing B.dressing up C.putting up D.having on 9.---Why are you looking so sad? ---I ____ in my English exam. A.passed B.failed C.lost D.missed 10.----Will you _____ me in a drink? ---Yes, I’d like to. But I’ll have to go home to look after my grandma. A.join B.help C.keep D.stop 11.---Where do you have to ______ a plane on your way to New York? --- In Tokyo. A. take B.travel C.fly D.sit 12.---How much does the sweater_____? --- One hundred yuan. A.pay B.spend C.cost D.use 13.---What did Mother say? ---She asked you ____ any noise. don’t make B.didn’t make C.not to make D.not make 14.—Do you want the green one or the yellow one? ---I’ve no idea. I can’t decide_______. A.to buy what B.which one shall I buy C.to pay how much D.which one to choose 15.—When can y


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