2009年上海高考物理试题答案(2009 Shanghai university entrance exam physics test answer).doc

2009年上海高考物理试题答案(2009 Shanghai university entrance exam physics test answer).doc

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2009年上海高考物理试题答案(2009 Shanghai university entrance exam physics test answer)

2009年上海高考物理试题答案(2009 Shanghai university entrance exam physics test answer) 2009 Shanghai college entrance exam physics test One. (40 points) choice question. There are 5 questions in the single choice. Only one of the four answers given in each question is correct, and 4 points are chosen. Of the four answers given in each question, two or more are correct. Choose the right but not the whole; If there is a mistake or no answer, score 0. I. Single item selection 1. When radioactive elements decay, three types of radiation are released, in the order that the penetrating capacity is strong to weak (A)? Ray,? Ray,? Ray (B)? Ray,? Ray,? ray (C)? Ray,? Ray,? Ray (D)? Ray,? Ray,? ray 2. Gas internal energy is the sum total of all gas molecular thermal motion kinetic energy and potential energy, its size is related to the state of the gas, the average kinetic energy of molecular thermal motion and molecular potential energy depends on the gas, respectively (A) temperature and volume (B) volume and pressure (C) temperature and pressure (D) pressure and temperature 3. The electric charge of the two belts is q and -q on the X-axis, and the distance is L, which can correctly reflect the power of the two charge lines. The relationship between the powerful little E and the x is the graph (A) (B) (C) (D) 4. The single-pendulum length of the harmonic vibration is unchanged. If the weight of the pendulum has increased to 4 times, the velocity of the pendulum will be reduced to 1/2 when the ball is in a balanced position, and the pendulum will vibrate (A) the frequency and amplitude are invariant (B) frequency and amplitude are changed (C) frequency invariant, amplitude change (D) frequency change, amplitude constant 5. The ball is thrown vertically from the ground, the maximum height of the rise is H, the resistance is constant and the ground is zero potential energy. The kinetic energy of the ball is twice as much as the potential energy at the height h of the distance, and the po



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