中国医科大学2015年7月考试《医学免疫学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medical immunology exam in July 2015).doc

中国医科大学2015年7月考试《医学免疫学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medical immunology exam in July 2015).doc

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中国医科大学2015年7月考试《医学免疫学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medical immunology exam in July 2015)

中国医科大学2015年7月考试《医学免疫学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medical immunology exam in July 2015) Please keep your homework in time. If you do not operate within 20 minutes, the system will exit automatically. Chinese medical university examination of medical immunology exam in July 2015 Total score: 100 test time: -- Single topic selection Short-answer questions Subjective fill-in-the-blank Essay questions (20 test questions, 20 points.) 1. Tnf-alpha is mainly produced by which cells () A. T cells, B. Macrophages C. B cells D. NK cells E. neutrophils Full mark: 1 2. MHC restriction manifests in () A. NK cell killing B. ADCC C. Complement depends on cytotoxic effects D. T cells interact with target cells E. B cell response to TI antigen Full mark: 1 3. What does not belong to autoimmune disease () A. hashimotos disease B. Myasthenia gravis C. multiple sclerosis D. Rheumatoid arthritis E. neonatal hemolysis Full mark: 1 4. Ⅱ type hypersensitivity disease is () A. serum allergy B. hemolysis of the newborn C. allergic rhinitis D. serum sickness E. urticaria Full mark: 1 5. The J chain exists in which Ig molecular structure () A. IgM B. IgA C. IgE D. IgG E. IgD Full mark: 1 6. TI antigen stimulates primitive B1 cells to produce () A. IgE B. IgG C. IgM D. IgA E. IgD Full mark: 1 7. The following group of skin experiments are corresponding to the purpose () A. penicillin skin test - Ⅱ allergic reactions B. - Ⅳ hypersensitivity of penicillin skin test C. penicillin skin test - Ⅲ allergic reactions D. the tuberculin test - Ⅳ allergic reactions E. tuberculin test - Ⅰ allergic reactions Full mark: 1 8. Cells is a part of the Ⅱ type hypersensitivity () A. basophils B. Mast cells C. eosinophils D. Macrophages E. Full mark: 1 9. About IgG, which of the following is the wrong () A. IgG exists in monomers and is widely distributed in body fluids B. The half-life of IgG is relatively long C. IgG can activate complement by classical pathway D. IgG is the most powerful fixe



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