01儒道经典导读第一课(The first lesson of the Confucian classic).doc

01儒道经典导读第一课(The first lesson of the Confucian classic).doc

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01儒道经典导读第一课(The first lesson of the Confucian classic)

01儒道经典导读第一课(The first lesson of the Confucian classic) Confucian classics Lesson 1 text entry: Shi Qin Good evening, boys and girls! I am very lucky to be here today to study classics with you. Course selection is still quite a lot of students. Most of the students here are taking courses; some students are good at listening to this class; some of them have heard this course before, and they even have heard more than one round. The students who have heard this lesson know its importance. Most of our classmates choose courses for a variety of reasons. Some students, may have heard the introduction of the seniors and selected. I dont think many of these students will be very few. Before the class few candidates, only ten, twenty people, not enough to open a class. Therefore, there have been several times can not be elected, can not open. And this class is very important, so I opened the book of changes interpretation. Many students are curious about it and choose this class. On the Zhouyi interpretation, we know that the original Chinese ancestors so wise. The book of changes to interpret the nature of the course, we have to spend more time telling some astrological symbols, which for our life is not the biggest benefit. The greatest benefit is to understand the truth. So I stressed in the class: in order to further understand the ancestors in the end to tell some of what kind of truth, it is best in the Confucian classics reading guide class learning. Through this reason, the classics of Confucianism and Taoism opened up. Once opened, it does make no difference. After one session, each semester is open, and the number is still relatively large, there are several courses to limit. The students who choose this class are very lucky. Wheres luck? Is finally a chance to open the wisdom of life. Confucianism and Taoism are the keys to wisdom. It is here that wisdom is opened, not wisdom. For wisdom is the heart of every man, but we have obstacles, and we have covered it wi


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