25《夜莺的歌声》教学设计之一(The song of nightingale is one of the teaching design).doc

25《夜莺的歌声》教学设计之一(The song of nightingale is one of the teaching design).doc

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25《夜莺的歌声》教学设计之一(The song of nightingale is one of the teaching design)

25《夜莺的歌声》教学设计之一(The song of nightingale is one of the teaching design) 25 one of the teaching designs of the song of the Nightingale I. quality education objective (1) knowledge teaching points 1. words; open, stupid, stove, mushrooms, cha. 2. new words: empty, stupid, mushroom, bifurcation, dejected, contemptuous. 3. understand key sentences: (1) just as soon as he opened fire, the village was on fire, and all the people called for wild beasts, and the beasts came - and they all ran away. (2) if something happens to us, dont forget the little nightingale...... (two) capacity training points 1. train the text according to the sequence of events 2. understand the content of the text and summarize the central idea 3. guide reading aloud and train reading ability (three) penetration of moral education; By understanding this little story, we educate students to love their motherland from childhood, and when they need it, they can always give everything for their motherland. Two, key points, difficulties and Solutions (1) focal point 1., understand how the children called Nightingale helped the guerrillas to wipe out a group of German fascist bandits. 2. understand the mutual reference between the first three natural segments and the last two natural segments. (two) difficulties The wit of the little nightingale comes from quick thinking, quick thinking from the love of the motherland, which is hard to understand. (three) solutions When teaching, we should sort out the content of the story first, then understand the background of the times, deepen the reading and understand. Three, class arrangement two hours Four, student activity design (1) answer the questions in the text and draw the key words and phrases. (two) listen to the tape and read aloud. (three) discussion before and after position. (four) several students came forward to perform. (five) query. Five, teaching process Section A (1) clear objectives 1. read the text first, grasp the new words and new words. 2.



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