28民诉法之申请撤销仲裁裁决(09年司考三大本分段学习)(Application for revocation of the arbitration award (the three main sections of the examination in 2009)).doc

28民诉法之申请撤销仲裁裁决(09年司考三大本分段学习)(Application for revocation of the arbitration award (the three main sections of the examination in 2009)).doc

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28民诉法之申请撤销仲裁裁决(09年司考三大本分段学习)(Application for revocation of the arbitration award (the three main sections of the examination in 2009))

28民诉法之申请撤销仲裁裁决(09年司考三大本分段学习)(Application for revocation of the arbitration award (the three main sections of the examination in 2009)) The application of the law of 28 revocation of an arbitral award (09 years and three big Scott subsection learning).Txt51 is an inexhaustible source of self-confidence, self-confidence is surging waves, confidence is the jet stream ahead of the channel, self-confidence is the real mother of success. The twenty-ninth chapter applies for the annulment of the arbitral award Section 1 the concepts and characteristics of applying for the annulment of Arbitral Awards I. application for the revocation of the arbitration award After an arbitral award has been made by the arbitration tribunal, either party may apply to the court for the revocation of the arbitral award on the basis of a specific cause. The so-called application for revocation of arbitration awards refers to an arbitration award in accordance with the statutory circumstances that should be revoked, through the parties to apply for, the peoples court to form a collegial panel to review and verify, and decided to cancel the arbitral award. Provisions of the Arbitration Law of China, the implementation of an arbitration system, arbitration award made by the parties, shall take legal effect, not the same dispute to the Arbitration Commission for arbitration, nor on the same dispute to the prosecution or the peoples court. The establishment of the final arbitration system fully embodies the principle of respecting the wishes of the parties and fully demonstrates the advantages of the rapidity of arbitration. However, due to the influence of various factors, some arbitration decisions may inevitably be subject to varying degrees of deviation or error. It is of great importance to set up the procedural supervision mechanism for the application for the cancellation of arbitral awards in the arbitration law to ensure the legality and correctness of arbitral awards. Two, the application


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