(中文和英文)求职应聘自我介绍范例((Chinese and English) apply for an example of self-introduction).doc

(中文和英文)求职应聘自我介绍范例((Chinese and English) apply for an example of self-introduction).doc

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(中文和英文)求职应聘自我介绍范例((Chinese and English) apply for an example of self-introduction)

(中文和英文)求职应聘自我介绍范例((Chinese and English) apply for an example of self-introduction) Introduce yourself in Chinese and English * a brief self introduction is actually designed to uncover more in-depth interviews. One or two minutes self introduction, like advertisements, in limited time, according to the needs of customers, the best side of yourself unreservedly demonstrated, not only to make the other side left a deep impression, but also arouse the desire to buy instant. 1, self-awareness If you want to be a leader, you must recognize yourself first. You must make clear the following three questions. What are you doing now? What are you going to do in the future? What did you use to do? These three problems are not chronological, from the past to the present, but from the present to the future, and then to the past. The trick is: if youre hired, the employer chooses you right now. He wants to use you in the future, and this is based on your history and your current situation. So, the first question, what do you do? What is it now? To answer this question, the point is: you are yourself, no one else. Unless you distinguish yourself from others, on the basis of the common to emphasize the difference, otherwise its impossible for you to win in a large number of candidates. For this first question, the deeper self reflection, the more successful self identification. Then proceed to answer the second question: what are you going to do in the future? If youre applying for an important job, the employer must be very interested in your self design for the future. Your answer should be specific, reasonable, and in line with your current identity, to have a more chic style. Then proceed to the last question: what did you do in the past? Your past, of course, has been reflected in your resume. You will answer this question in an interview, can not be ignored: dont shake a having nothing to do with your future in the past. If youre going through the middle of the road, focus on



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