中国医科大学2014年7月考试《病理生理学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university in July 2014, the exam of pathophysiology examination).doc

中国医科大学2014年7月考试《病理生理学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university in July 2014, the exam of pathophysiology examination).doc

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中国医科大学2014年7月考试《病理生理学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university in July 2014, the exam of pathophysiology examination)

中国医科大学2014年7月考试《病理生理学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university in July 2014, the exam of pathophysiology examination) China Medical University July 2014 exam pathophysiology examination questions Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Radio examination questions (20 questions, 20 points) In the 1.ARF polyuria stage, the mechanism of polyuria is A. glomerular filtration function recovery B. renal tubular immature function C. renal tubule obstruction is alleviated D. osmotic diuresis E. GFR added Full marks: 1 2., when stress occurs, the sympathetic adrenal system has an adverse effect on the organism A. suppresses thyroid axis B. raises blood sugar C. promotes protein gluconeogenesis D. grows slowly E. gastrointestinal ischemia Full marks: 1 3. which of the following factors is most likely to be the most closely related to DIC in obstetric accidents? A. the blood is in hypercoagulable state B. mononuclear phagocyte system is low functioning C. microcirculation and blood stasis D. fibrinolytic system increased activity E. increased levels of procoagulant substances in blood Full marks: 1 4.. The most characteristic changes in arterial blood are hypoxia, which occurs when respiratory insufficiency occurs A. oxygen capacity decreased B. oxygen partial pressure decrease C. oxygen content decreased D. oxygen desaturation E. oxygen shift curve right shift Full marks: 1 5. which of the following is not the cause of respiratory acidosis? A. respiratory paralysis B. respiratory muscle paralysis C. airway obstruction D. hypoxemia E. pneumothorax Full marks: 1 The central link of the 6.ARF is A. renal tubule regurgitation B. renal tubule obstruction C. capillary coagulation in the kidney D. GFR down E. necrosis of renal tubular epithelial cells Full marks: 1 7. when hemorrhagic shock occurs, the sympathetic adrenal medulla system is in place A. has been very excited B. gets excited first, then suppresses, and finally fail



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