中国医科大学2014年7月考试《药用植物学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medicinal botany exam in July, 2014).doc

中国医科大学2014年7月考试《药用植物学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medicinal botany exam in July, 2014).doc

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中国医科大学2014年7月考试《药用植物学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medicinal botany exam in July, 2014)

中国医科大学2014年7月考试《药用植物学》考查课试题(Chinese medical university examination of medicinal botany exam in July, 2014) China Medical University July 2014 examination medicinal botany examination class examination questions Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Judgment question Subjective cloze test Radio examination questions (20 questions, 20 points) Stamens 1. characteristics of Cruciferae: ## A. two strong stamens B. stamens C. monomer stamen D. poly stamen Full marks: 1 2. the following structure does not belong to the part of the protoplast is: ## A. chloroplast B. endoplasmic reticulum C. cell wall D. mitochondria Full marks: 1 3. what kind of plant does the medicinal plant King leave behind? ## A. madder B. Euphorbia C. Pink D. amaranth Full marks: 1 4. daily consumption of melons and vegetables the type of placenta are: ## A. marginal placentation B. placentas C. axile D. apical placentation Full marks: 1 The observed concentric bundle for 5. plant stems in the following: ## A. of Caulis Spatholobi B. night C. fairy vine D. orientvine Full marks: 1 There are 6. variants in name abbreviation: ## A. sub. B. ssp. C. subsp. D. var. E. F. Full marks: 1 7. which of the following structures does the Kjeldahl band exist in the root? ## A. stele B. sheath C. cortex D. endodermis Full marks: 1 More than 8. herbs, containing volatile oil, the stem was four prism, leaves, flowers bisexual, round umbrella inflorescence, corolla five split lip, tetradynamous, ovary, 4 small nuts, as the following features which department? ## A. Leguminosae B. lip section C. Rosaceae D. Liliaceae Full marks: 1 9. monocots have some special large parenchyma cells called: ## A. vesicular cell B. channel cell C. transmitting cell D. water storage cell Full marks: 1 10. extracted anti-cancer drug taxol from plant is ## A. Taxus mairei B. three pointed cedar C. Platycladus orientalis D. Cycas E. Ginkgo biloba Full marks: 1 11. medicinal plants of the family gin


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