《肝纤维化中西医结合诊疗指南》(Guidelines for the treatment of Chinese and western medicine in liver fibrosis).doc

《肝纤维化中西医结合诊疗指南》(Guidelines for the treatment of Chinese and western medicine in liver fibrosis).doc

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《肝纤维化中西医结合诊疗指南》(Guidelines for the treatment of Chinese and western medicine in liver fibrosis)

《肝纤维化中西医结合诊疗指南》(Guidelines for the treatment of Chinese and western medicine in liver fibrosis) Guideline for diagnosis and treatment of liver fibrosis with integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Department of infectious diseases, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, 2008-11-18 Hepatic fibrosis can be considered as a disease name (K74.001) in the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), but it is mainly a histopathological concept. Liver fibrosis refers to the liver tissue extracellular matrix (ECM) components hyperplasia and abnormal deposition of lead to the liver structure or (and) functional pathologic changes, the structure is shown as capillarization and hepatic lobule and portal fibrosis; function can be expressed in liver dysfunction and portal hypertension etc.. The mechanism of its formation is mainly due to hepatitis viruses, alcohol, drugs and poisons, schistosomiasis, metabolic and genetic, cholestasis and autoimmune liver disease and other chronic liver injury stimulation, the activation of hepatic stellate cells in hepatic sinusoid, collagen and other ECM components of the metabolic imbalance, generated more than ECM deposition and degradation, promote liver tissue structure reconstruction. Liver fibrosis is found in most chronic liver diseases with different etiology. Further development can lead to cirrhosis, which seriously affects the health and life of the patients. The prospective study showed that chronic hepatitis B cirrhosis estimated annual incidence rate was 2.1%; in a study of patients with HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B is an average of 9 years (1 ~ 18.4 years) follow-up study showed that the incidence rate of progression to cirrhosis 23%[1-3]. Therefore, anti liver fibrosis is an important treatment for chronic liver disease. In the twentieth Century 60~80, the morphological characteristics of hepatic fibrosis and its important role in chronic liver disease were clearly



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