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熱力學 課程名稱 熱力學 課程編碼 12N02001 系所代碼/名稱 01 / 機械系 開課班級 夜四技自控三甲 開課教師 謝慶存 學分 3.0 時數 3 必選修 必修 南台科技大學 課程資訊 課程大綱 一、熱力學基本觀念--能量,因次與單位,密閉與開放系統,系統的性質,狀態與平衡,過程與循環,能量之形式,溫度與熱力學第零定律,壓力,壓力計 二、. 純質的性質--純質,相,相變化過程,相性質圖,性質表,理想氣體狀態方程式,比熱,理想氣體的內能、焓及比熱,固體與液體的內能、焓及比熱 三、熱、功與質量的能量傳遞--熱傳遞,功的能量傳遞,機械形式的功,非機械形式的功,質量不滅定律,流功與流動流體的能量 四、熱力學第一定律--熱力學第一定律,密閉系統之能量平衡,穩流系統之能量平衡,若干穩流工程裝置,非穩流過程之能量平衡 五、熱力學第二定律--概述,熱能貯器,熱機,能量轉換效率,冷凍機與熱泵,永動機,可逆與不可逆過程,卡諾循環,卡諾原理,熱力溫標,卡諾熱機,卡諾冷凍機與熱泵 六、熵--熵增原理,純質的熵改變,等熵過程具有熵的性質圖,T ds關係式,液體與固體的熵改變,理想氣體的熵改變,可逆穩流功,壓縮機功之最小化,穩流裝置的等熵效率,熵平衡 七、動力循環--動力循環的基本考量,卡諾循環與其在工程上的價值,鄂圖循環,狄賽爾循環,史特靈與艾利遜循環,布雷登循環,卡諾蒸汽循環,朗肯循環,理想再熱朗肯循環 八、冷凍與空調--冷凍機與熱泵,蒸汽壓縮冷凍循環,冷媒,熱泵系統,乾空氣與大氣空氣,濕度,露點溫度,絕熱飽和溫度與濕球溫度,空氣線圖,空氣調節過程 南台科技大學 課程資訊 英文大綱 1. The basic conceptions of thermodynamics Thermodynamics and energy, dimension and units, closed and opened system, state and balance, process and cycle, types of the energy. 2. The properties of the material Pure material, phases of pure materials, phase varied process of pure material, property chart, ideal gas, specific heat, internal energy. 3.Energy Transfer by Heat, Work, and Mass Heat transfer, energy transfer of the work, mechanical work, non- mechanical work, mass conservation law. 4.The First Law of Thermodynamics The first law of thermodynamics, the energy balance of closed system, the energy balance of opened system, some engineering devices of steady flow system. 5.The Second Law of Thermodynamics The basic of second law, heat reservoir, heat engine, the energy transformation efficiency, refrigerator and heat pump, reversible and irreversible. 6.Entropy Entropy, increase of entropy principle, entropy change of pure material, isotropic process, Mollier chart, what is entropy, entropy change of liquid and solid. 7. Power cycle Basic consideration of the power cycle, Carnot cycle, Otto and Diesel cycle, Stirling and Ericsson cycle, Carnot steam cycle, Brayton cycle, Rankune cycle. 8. Refrigeration and air conditioning Refrigerator heat pump, Steam compress


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