炼金术师攻略(The alchemist strategy).doc

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炼金术师攻略(The alchemist strategy)

炼金术师攻略(The alchemist strategy) The most rapid steps: 1. Bring the alchemy experience to 220, not to grade 2 2. Collect 510 magic pearls and 510 bright roses, and make 255 magic crystals at a time (255 is the production limit). After production, the experience should be around 600LV3 3, collect 300 pieces and 1500 small blue 1500 primary protein oil (not a one-time do if experience reaches 670 are decisive in the primary meat protein), then experience to around $670, not to break the level 4 3. Collect 150 primary protein oil and 1500 small white, make 150 intermediate protein oil at a time, and the experience should be exactly 900LV5 after production 4. LV5 find the enchanting master to help you make 77 black magic products, make 77 eagle eye drops (66% success rate, 51 success) to LV6 (you can also produce intermediate protein as a superior, but the intermediate price is 2W and the higher price is 8000.) 5. LV6 find the enchanter to help you make 102 black magic products, make 102 eagle eye drops, full grade Level 1 of the alchemist is 1.5 point experience, thanks to lyh917917. Experienced 3 do primary protein, so the insurance will be primary protein on up experience in the process, thanks to popular hierarch less as far as possible is the key to correct the alchemist, and rob meat protein, oil, the use of two grade card, the other. This is DNFs official website radio guide! Low grade material garlic Ordinary return NPCS: Celia, NORTON, sinda, feng zhen, ophelia Return an NPC when you like: Renault Nutrient mushroom Ordinary time return NPCS: Celia, linnais, goortiz, oran, karina, wind, GSD, daphne, Alice, bryce Sweet honey Ordinary return NPCS: saucey, sharan, ophelia, olka, boken, bryce Magic pearl Ordinary time hui NPC: song lentis, daphne, kwan, mintai Alice, gal Light rose Ordinary time gifts NPCS: NORTON, Albert, roliane, saran, Alice, barrena, boken When you feel good, you will return an NPC: tin can, bryce Natural cheese The average return NPC: tugs, canin



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