炼金术经典版1.6.0 351个元素合成配方(未解锁剩余的135个)(Alchemy classic version 1.6.0 351 element synthesis formula (ununlock the remaining 135)).doc

炼金术经典版1.6.0 351个元素合成配方(未解锁剩余的135个)(Alchemy classic version 1.6.0 351 element synthesis formula (ununlock the remaining 135)).doc

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炼金术经典版1.6.0 351个元素合成配方(未解锁剩余的135个)(Alchemy classic version 1.6.0 351 element synthesis formula (ununlock the remaining 135))

炼金术经典版1.6.0 351个元素合成配方(未解锁剩余的135个)(Alchemy classic version 1.6.0 351 element synthesis formula (ununlock the remaining 135)) Primary substances: gas The fire water soil Ash + nitric acid = carbon dioxide + potassium nitrate + water Cold + water = ice Natural gas fields + gouge = natural gas Electricity + water = 2x hydrogen + oxygen Electricity plus water is equal to 2x plus oxygen Fire + salt + electricity = sodium + chlorine Stone + gas = sand Vegetable waste + soil = methane Metal + lightning = electricity Salt water + air = salt + fog Fire + earth = stone The ground is perforated + pump = oil Fire + wood = carbon Metal + stone = magnet Bog + sand = clay Fire + fog = steam Alien + active robot = radiation + unknown dead creature 2x radiation + metal = plutonium Radiation + metal = uranium Nature: Fog + gas = cloud 2x wind + cloud = cold Hydrocarbon + soil = natural gas field + oil field Soil + rock = sedimentary rock Soil + water = swamp Grass + swamp = peat Earth + 2x fire = volcano Rain + palm trees = tropical Earth + volcano + water = hydrothermal pulse Earth + peat = coal 2x coral = coral reef Soil + rich worm compost = humus Cloud + nitric acid = acid rain Air + fire = lightning Lightning + sand = lightning lava Cloud + water = rain Rain + cold = snow Rain + lightning = thunderstorm Air + water = fog 2 x gas = wind Plants: Iron + wood = solid wood Flowers + sand = cacti Fungus + flower = orchid Agricultural land + grass = pumpkin Mutant bacteria + ferns = mutant plants Humus + trees = fruit trees Soil + flower = tree 3. Shrub = hedge Humus + flower = cotton and linen 7 Ferns + sand = palm trees 2x tree = forest The forest + the beetle = the dying forest Soil + ferns = shrubs Flowers + needles = roses Humus + bamboo = sugar cane Grain + water = rice Grass + water = reed Grass and ferns = flowers Soil and algae = moss Earth + moss = grass Humus + fern = lettuce Bog + earth = fern Tree + grass = vine Bacteria + water = algae Humus + fungi = mushrooms Humus + g


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