ADC0832内部原理(Adc 0832 internal principle).doc

ADC0832内部原理(Adc 0832 internal principle).doc

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ADC0832内部原理(Adc 0832 internal principle)

ADC0832内部原理(Adc 0832 internal principle) ADC0832 is A 8-bit resolution and dual channel A/D conversion produced by national semiconductor company The chip. Due to its small size, strong compatibility and high cost performance, it is well received by the fans and enterprises of the single chip. It has a high penetration rate. Learn and use ADC0832 but let us know A/D converter The principle of it can help us to improve the technology of SCM. ADC0832 has the following characteristics: · 8-bit resolution; · dual channel A/D conversion; · input output level is compatible with TTL/CMOS; · 5V power supply when the input voltage is between 0 and 5V; · the working frequency is 250KHZ and the conversion time is 32 mu S; · general power consumption is only 15mW; · 8P, 14P - DIP (dual column direct interpolation), PICC multiple packaging; , commercial level chip WenKuan 0 ° C to + 70 ° C, industrial-grade WenKuan for chip. 40 ° C to + 85 ° C; Chip top view: (figure 1, figure 2) Figure 1 in figure 2 - DYDIYE - The mail:DYDIY@126.COM page 2 Chip interface description: · CS_ film selection to enable the ability of low level chips. ? CH0 emulates the input channel 0, or as IN + / -. · CH1 analog input channel 1, or as IN + / - use. · GND chip reference 0 potential (ground). · DI data signal input, select channel control. · DO data signal output, transform data output. · CLK chip clock input. · Vcc/REF power input and reference voltage input (reuse). ADC0832 and single chip microcomputer interface circuit: Figure 3 - DYDIYE - The mail:DYDIY@126.COM page 3 The adc 0832 is 8-bit resolution A/D conversion chip with A maximum resolution of 256, which can be used General analog conversion requirements. Its internal power input and reference voltage are multiplexed to make the chip simulation The voltage input is between 0 and 5V. The switching time of the chip is only 32 mu S, and there are two data outputs that can be used as data Check to reduce data error, fast conversion speed and s



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