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ABI (踝臂指数) 检查
ABI Assessment;动脉粥样硬化的病理进程;动脉粥样硬化的主要临床表现;定义
有症状的PAD患者占55-74岁年龄段人群的4.5%,大约20%的老年人患有症状的或无症状的PAD。 ;危险因素;最容易的方法 ...;;A.B.I.;哪些人需要进行ABI检查?;解释检查程序 Explain and reassure patient of the procedure
保持室温舒适 Ensure ambient temperature of the room is comfortable, (Moffatt 1990)
松解上下肢体衣裤 Remove any tight clothing from both arms and stockings socks etc. from legs
保护溃疡伤口 Remove any dressings from current ulcers and cover with a clear film, (Kenny 1997)
患者保持安静休息15-20分钟 Rest the patient for 15-20 minutes, (Yao 1993; Williams 1993)
患者仰卧 Position the patient supine, (Stubbing 1996);正常静脉血流音 Sounds of normal vein;The posterior tibial pulse is located in the hollow behind the medial malleolus, and the dorsalis pedis pulse is felt between the first and second metatarsals. (K.R Vowden, 1996);足踝血压 Ankle Pressures
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;足踝血压 Ankle Pressures
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;ABI检查 How to examine the ABI
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;ABI计算 How to Calculate the ABI
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;号祖逻粳唁潦盟咸懦葵隔惨逼红鸣哈骸陡胸倚迹杉升揩俺梯猎趁酵挺乐婶ABI踝臂指数检查ABI踝臂指数检查;ABI结果解释 How to interpret the ABI
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;ABI检查周期 Repeat ABI checks
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory;影响ABI结果的因素 Factors Affecting the Accuracy of the ABI
Vascular Assessment Training Session - Introductory; 探头位置不正确 Incorrect position of Doppler probe over vessel
血压测量不正确 Incorrect pressure measurements
对血管施压过大 Excessive pressure on vessel during procedure
血管挤压 Collapses vessels
血圧袖带放气过快 Releasing sphyg cuff too rapidly Risk of missing systolic pressure point
血管加压时间过长 Prolonged inflation of the cuff/re-inflation Hyperemic effect on limb
血管反复加压 Mid procedure/repeated infl
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