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The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China;Compass 指南针;Compass, gunpowder, papermaking skill and typography, is China’s ancient four inventions, which is one of the signs that China became the ancient civilized country, occupying an important position in the history of human civilization.;造纸术;Compass 指南针;Compass 指南针;Compass 指南针;Compass 指南针;Gunpowder 火药;Gunpowder 火药;硝石块;鲁迅先生在《电的利弊》一文中说道:“外国用火药造子弹御敌,中国却用它做爆竹敬神……”他在《随感录》中还写道:“火药除了做鞭炮,罗盘除了看风水,还有什么用?”;Gunpowder 火药;fireball 火球;rocket;Gunpowder 火药;Gunpowder 火药;The earliest woodblock printing material ;;Bi Sheng: the inventor of movable type printing;;This kind of printing has the advantages of repeated use, printing fast, saving time and labor as well as material. ;The meaning of printing ;The story of printing;活字印刷发明的小故事;;Papermaking 造纸术;;;原料的分离 Separation of raw materials;;;;;Papermaking - especially papermaking improved by Cai Lun in the Eastern Han dynasty (also known as “Cai Houzhi”), is a revolution of writing material. It is easy to carry with wider choice of materials. It promoted the Chinese, Arabian, European and even the whole world’s civilization. The invention of paper, which greatly facilitates the storage and exchange of information, has the landmark significance in spreading culture and promoting the development of the world civilization. ;;;vocabulary


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