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從人工智慧生態系看服務型機器人的契機 黃仲宏 工研院產經中心 機械與系統研究組 機械與製造系統研究部 摘要 : 服務型機器人產品的生態系不只有硬體製造,更包括了平台與服務。機器人在競爭 的消費性電子產品時代,不可與人性的根本需求太遠。要在市場上佔有一席之地的產品就是 要有「不可或缺的殺手級應用」,亦即非要它來做不可,否則機器人就像是一台掛著輪子的 電腦,彷彿是部大玩具,難以經得起市場的考驗。而現今在市場上漸漸有不可取代性應用的 機器人就是微創手術用的機器人、清潔型機器人。 機器人的產品項目逐漸廣泛,但其發展時程、應用和普及化等潛在影響仍有待觀察,尤其是 有別於產業用的服務型機器人。目前有關其市場規模的預測不斷推陳出新;機器人商機的關 鍵點在於有賴於應用人工智慧(artificial intelligence, AI)建構出優良的語音溝通力,且機器人的功 能要與現有的 3C 產品或是輔具有一定的區別。 Abstract :The ecosystem of the service robotic products does not only consist of hardware but also includes platforms and services. Robots are in the competitive era in consumer electronics. They cannot be far away from the requirements of humanity. Having a role in the market is having an indispensable targeted application, that is, it must use robots to do the work. Otherwise the robot is like a computer with wheels, as if a big toy is difficult to survive such a market test. Nowadays, the minimally invasive operation robots and intelligent cleaning robots gradually find their irreplaceable roles in the market. The products of the robotics are becoming more and more extensive, but the potential impacts due to their developing time, application and popularization remain to be seen, especially in the service-oriented robotic area. The key point of the robots business relies on artificial intelligence (AI) to construct excellent voice communication and to differentiate between the robot and the existing consumer products or auxiliary devices. 6 │ │ 412 期 │ 前言 英文的機器人「robot 」這個詞最早乃出現在捷克科幻小說家 Karel Capek的劇作 中。 Robot源自於兩個捷克單字:robota( 必須做的工作)和 robotnik(農奴 ) 。Capek取 其以robot 一字形容由人工打造,用來服侍人類的器具。服務型機器人可說是不斷利 用先進的科技加值而為人類代勞的產品。 機器人的產品項目逐漸廣泛


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