初三历史期中考试题(The midterm examination questions of junior three).doc

初三历史期中考试题(The midterm examination questions of junior three).doc

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初三历史期中考试题(The midterm examination questions of junior three)

初三历史期中考试题(The midterm examination questions of junior three) This article is contributed by FTWWZ Doc documentation may not be good at the WAP end browsing experience. It is recommended that you choose TXT, or download the source file to the native view. The third-grade history midterm exam time: 90 minutes full mark: 100 minutes, select a question (a total of 20 questions, 2 points, a total of 40 points) selected questions (1, the following title, does not conform to the river basin-the cradle of human civilization This topic is a. The country of the Pyramids B. The high point of the Slavery Democratic politics c. The generation of caste system D. 2, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Babylon describes the scene: Slave Abu to master Erlotinib said You are not my Master, The result was an ear cut. The penalty is based on a. Hammurabi Code B. The Bill of Rights c. Napoleons code D. The Declaration of Human Rights 3, a class in the form of a drama to reproduce the ancient Indian history, when it comes to the caste system, there is a line is not correct, it is a. The king holds the power of the military, and the country is B. Look, Im just a samurai, but Im with the king. C. Im a big businessman with wealth, but Im in the third grade, D. I am very distressed, I fell in love with a class of girls, but we can not enter the wedding Hall 4, a school of historical interest group, to study the situation of ancient Western Asia Mesopotamia Slave Society, you think should choose the material is a. Pyramid B. Hammurabi Code c. Caste system D. The Analects of Confucius 5, Pericles said: In our place, everyone not only concerned about their own affairs, but also concerned about the country. I can assert that our city is a whole Greek school. Our city in the material refers to a. Babylon B. Sparta c. Athens d. Rome 6, Athens in the 594 BC carried out a famous reform, the establishment of democracy. The leader of the reform is a. Solon B. Pericles C. Octavian D. Caesar 7, the Berikri er


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