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第29 卷 第4 期 重 庆 建 筑 大学 学 报 Vol. 29 No.4 2007 年8 月 Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu U niversity A ug. 2007 * 1 1 2 1 1 1 李英民, 刘建伟 , 郑 清, 夏洪流 , 赵腾飞 , 江 正 ( 1. , 400045; 2. , 610017) : 完成了7 个高剪压比钢筋混凝土框架 心节点试件的低周交变荷载试验, 试验过程中 心节点试 件表现出较好的受力变形耗能性能和较高的位移延性, 多数试件因节点剪切破坏失效, 没出现核心区 受压破坏的情况虽然 心节点的某些性能如梁筋的粘结滑移性能等相对传统节点更为不利, 但其综 合性能仍然能够满足结构抗震设计的要求 : 心节点; 抗震性能; 位移延性; 失效模式; 钢筋粘结滑移 :T U375.4 :A : 1006- 7329(2007) 03- 0044- 05 Seismic Load Tests on Rei nforced Concrete BeamColumn Sandwich Joi nts with High Shear Stress 1 1 2 1 1 1 LI Yingmin , LIU Jianwei , H ENG qing , XIA Hongliu , HAO Tengfei , JIANG heng ( 1. College of Civil Engineering, Chongqing U niversity, Chongqing 400045, P. R. China; 2. Chengdu Jizhunfangzhong Archit ects As sociates, Chengdu 610017, P. R. China) Abstract: Seven reinforced concrete BeamColumn sandwich joint specimens were tested under cyclic load. The performances of these specimens consisting of loads resistance, deflection, ductility, displacement, energy dissi pation could satisfy the requirement of structures for seismic design.T he phenomena that concrete in joint re gion was crushed by axial load or eccentric load were never observed, and final failure for a multitude of speci mens occurred by shear force. Though a few of performances such as beam bar anchorage capacity were not as well as those of traditional joints, it is feasible for sandwich joints used while establishing structures. Keywords: sandwich joints; seismic resistant performance; ductility; failure mode; beam bar anchorage capacity , ( 0.06~ 0. 13) , , ( 0. 3~ 0. 45) , [ 1, 2] , A CI


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