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28 6 Vo.l 28 No. 6 20 0 8 12 JOURNAL OF GEODESY AND GEODYNAM ICS Dec. , 2008 : 1671- 942( 2008) 06-0068-0 * 1, 2) 1) 2) 1) 1) 1) 王秋良 薛宏交 杨 强 王 敦 李井冈 张丽芬 1) , 430071 2) , 430074 , ( DEM ) : 40~ 0 18~ 30 0~ 70 m, ( DEM ); ; ; ; : P22 . 1; P9 4 : A ANALYSIS ON TERRAIN FACTORS OF EARTHQUKAE DISASTER IN BEICHUAN AREA 1, 2) 1) 2) 1) 1) 1) W ang Q iuliang , XueHongjiao , Y ang Q iang , W ang Dun , L i Jinggang and Zhang L ifen 1) Institute of S eism ology, CEA, Wuhan 430071 2) Ch ina Un iv ers ity of G eo sciences, Faculty of Eng ineering, Wuhan 430074 Abstract The mi ages before and after earthquake ofBeichuan County are compared, based on tectonic back- ground of regional geology, moreover, the various terrain factors including slope, aspect, P lan of curvature, profile curvature, slope rate and so on, are extracted from D igital E levation M odel ( DEM ), to quantitatively analyze the terrain information. The prelmi inary result ind icates as follow s: in Beichuan County, the slope ranges from 40to 0, slope change rate is betw een 18and 30, and relief amp litude ranges from 0 m to 70 m, the seism ic sec- ondary d isasters, such as landslide and barrier lake triggered by landslide in some valley areas are extrem ely easy to occur in even w ider areas. K ey words: D igitalElevation Model ( DEM ); terrain factor; W enchuanM s8. 0 earthquake; geological ha


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