
2017年天津职业技术师范大学 中国政府奖学金生博士研究生自主招生 .doc

2017年天津职业技术师范大学 中国政府奖学金生博士研究生自主招生 .doc

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2017年天津职业技术师范大学 中国政府奖学金生博士研究生自主招生

2017年天津职业技术师范大学 中国政府奖学金生博士研究生自主招生项目申请办法 2017 Tianjin University of Technology and Education Application for Chinese-Government Scholarship Program of PHD Student To promote the cooperation between two institutes, Tianjin University of Technology and Education would like to offer one PHD Scholarships for an international student nominated by University of Banja Luka. The detailed information is as follows: 一、资助类别、期限及授课语言 I. Scholarship categories, duration and teaching language 1.本项目招收博士研究生,奖学金期限为4或5年; This scholarship provides PhD Program and lasts for 4 or 5 years. 2.专业及研究方向: Specialty and Research area (1) 专业:教育学 Specialty:Pedagogy 研究方向:机械设计制造教育,自动化工程教育 Research area:Machine Design and Manufacturing Education; Automation Engineering Education (2)专业授课语言为英语: Specialties instructed in English language. 3.奖学金资助期限为录取时确定的学习年限,专业学习原则上不予延长。 The scholarship duration is the same as the study duration and can’t be extended. 二、奖学金内容 II. Scholarship content ●免交注册费、学费、实验费、实习费; Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, lab fee, internship expenses; ●提供免费校内住宿; Provide free on-campus accommodation; ●提供奖学金生活费; Provide living allowance; ●提供中国政府奖学金来华留学生综合医疗保险。 Provide the comprehensive medical insurance for the Chinese government scholarship students in China. Note: The fees such as international air ticket, visa application, health examination for visa application, health examination for residential permit, residential permit application are not covered by the scholarship. 三、申请途径和申请时间 III. Application process and date 申请人向我校国际交流处提供申请,申请时间一般为4月20日月至5月10日。 The applicants send the application materials to the international exchange office of Tianjin University of Technology and Education. The application time is from April 20th to May.10th,2017. 四、申请条件 IV. Application requirements 1.非中国籍公民,身体健康; Non-Chinese citizens, in good health condition 2.非在华学习的学生(非应届留华毕业生); Not for the students currently studying in china. (Not for the students graduating from china this ye



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