
多点正交交叉的遗传算法研究 - 工程技术版.pdf

多点正交交叉的遗传算法研究 - 工程技术版.pdf

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多点正交交叉的遗传算法研究 - 工程技术版

5 2 () Vo.l 5 N o. 2 2005 6 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVER SITY ( ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY) Jun. 2005 多点正交交叉的遗传算法研究 刘 清 (, 210042) [] , . , , . , , . [] , , , [] T P30 1. 6, [] A, [] 1672-1292( 2005) 02-0042-04 Research on Genetic Algorithm w ithM ulti-Point Orthogonal Crossover Operation L IU Q ing ( S chool of M athem atic and C ompu ter Science, N anjing Norm alUn iver ity, J iang u N anjing 210042, C h ina) Abstract: By u ing the global equ ilibrium de ign ideology of orthogonal exper mi entm ethod, the paper propo e a g e- netic algor ithm w ith mu lt-i po int orthogonal cro over operation. C ro over operation of the algorithm i ba ed on the orthogonal array, and the wt o ofm any off pr ing that hav e b igger fitne are cho en to put in nex t evolution. T he algo- rithm can en ure population mu ltiform ity and converg ence peed rapidly. The re earch re ult how that the algorithm can not on ly overcom e the hortcom ing of SGA effectively, but al o ev idently mi prove the com puting peed, com pu- ting prec i ion and computing tab ility. K ey words: genetic algorithm, orthogonal exper mi ent, m ulti-po int cro over, mi u lation , . 0 引言 , ( GA ) / , , 0. , . () , , , , , , , 3, , , . . [ 3] ,


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