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开罗会议与琉球、钓鱼岛地位 褚静涛 (中国社会科学院近代史研究所,北京,100006) 内容摘要:日本侵占琉球,清政府爱莫能助,坐视日本的侵略扩张。1895 年,日本窃占了钓鱼岛, 又通过《马关条约》,侵占了台湾岛、澎湖列岛等。民国前期,中国知识界对琉球问题鲜少研究,社会 大众一般也不知道琉球沦亡的经过以及与中国的宗藩关系。蒋介石早有收复台湾、琉球之志,因实力所 限,收复琉球并未上升至国民政府的大政方针。在开罗会议中,蒋介石明确提出收复台湾、澎湖、东北 等失地,建议中美在战后共管琉球。为了在战后建设一个新中国,胡焕庸等人深感中国必须汲取东部沿 海遭到侵略的历史教训,不但要收复台湾,更应将与台湾相连的琉球群岛收归中国版图,来保证中国东 部大陆有一道天然的安全屏障。他们努力搜集资料,汇编成册,介绍给社会大众,毋忘琉球,提出收复 琉球的建议。根据《开罗宣言》、《波茨坦公告》、《日本降书》,中国将收复包括钓鱼岛在内的所有 失地。因美军攻克整个琉球群岛,中国需与美国交涉,来收复钓鱼岛。 关键词:开罗会议 琉球 钓鱼岛 关系 The Cairo Conference with Ryukyu and the Diaoyu Islands CHU Jing-tao (Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100006, China) Abstract:In 1879, the Meiji government of Japan swallowed up the Ryukyu Islands.With the Japanese invasion and occupation of the Ryukyu, the Qing government could do nothing but sit back and watch Japanese invasion. In 1895, Japan stole the Diaoyu Islands and occupied Taiwan and Penghu Islands via the treaty of Shimonoseki. During the early of the Republic, the Chinese intellectuals had little research touches of the Ryukyu issues, and the social public knew little about the degeneration of the Ryukyu Islands and its vassal relation with China. Chiang Kai-shek had the ambition to recover Taiwan and Ryukyu, but failed to become the policy of the Republic Government due to the Republic strength. During the Cairo Conference, Chiang Kai-shek strikingly expressed the idea to recover the lost land of Taiwan, Penghu Islands and North-east China, and suggested Sino-US administration of Ryukyu together after World War Two. In order to build a new China after the War, with the historic lessons of the invasion in the east coastal area, Hu Huanyoug and others belived China should recover not only Taiwan, but also the connected Ryukyu Islands to ensure a natural security barrier to the east Chinese mainland. They took


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