
纤维桩联合氧化锆全瓷冠在残冠残根修复中的临床 - 第三军医大学学报.doc

纤维桩联合氧化锆全瓷冠在残冠残根修复中的临床 - 第三军医大学学报.doc

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纤维桩联合氧化锆全瓷冠在残冠残根修复中的临床 - 第三军医大学学报

玻璃纤维桩联合氧化锆全瓷冠在残冠残根修复中的临床分析 裘松波,卢礼,徐昌会,张萍,周燕,张纲(400037 重庆,第三军医大学新桥医院口腔科) [摘要] 目的 探讨玻璃纤维桩和树脂核联合氧化锆全瓷冠在残冠残根修复中的临床效果。方法 以玻璃纤维桩和树脂核联合氧化锆全瓷冠修复残冠残根病例48例,共65颗牙(前牙26颗,后牙39颗,其中作为桥基牙的有22颗;残根18 颗,残冠47 颗)。于修复完成6个月~2年后,对全部临床病例进行随访、检查和评估。 结果 3颗残根修复后纤维桩脱落,失败率为4.62%,其中2颗经再治疗后有效,另1颗被放弃;其余病例氧化锆全瓷冠保持完整,纤维桩无脱落、折断;X线摄片检查:牙根和纤维桩无折断,无牙周和根尖的阴影,牙颈部无继发龋。结论 应用玻璃纤维桩树脂核联合氧化锆全瓷冠修复残冠残根,达到了无金属修复的临床要求,是一种较理想的修复方法。 [关键词] 玻璃纤维桩;氧化锆全瓷冠;残根;残冠;修复 [中图法分类号] R783 [文献标志码] A [通信作者] 裘松波,电话:023E-mail:qsb1962@Clinical applications of glass fiber post in combination with a zirconia-ceramic crown on the restoration of residual roots and cro wns Qiu Songbo ,Lu Li ,Xiu Chonghui,Zhang Ping,Zhou Yan,Zhang Gang Gang (Department of Stomatology,Xinqiao Hospital , Third Military Medical University, Chongqing,400037 ,China ) [Abstract] Objective To study the clinical efficiency of glass fiber post and resin core in combination with a zirconia-ceramic crown on the restoration of residual roots and crowns. Methods Forty-eight patients were included in the study. A total of 65 teeth(26 anterior and 39 posterior) were restored with glass fiber post and resin core in combination with a zirconia-ceramic crown. After 6 months to 2 years, all patients were examined and evaluated. Results In all cases,3 post debondings occurred in the restoration of residual roots(4.62%). No fracture of zirconia-ceramic crown was observed. No root or post fractures were observed clinically or on radiographs. Conclusion The applications of glass fiber post in combination with a zirconia-ceramic crown on the restoration of residual roots and crowns seems to be an optimal choice. But long-term clinical studies are needed. [ Key words ] glass fiber post;zirconia-ceramic crown;residual root ; residual crown ;restoration Corresponding Author: Qiu songbo,Tel:86-23E-mail:qsb1962@ 残冠残根的常用修复方法为金属桩核联合金属烤瓷冠,但存在缺点,如:金属桩弹性模量过高而易引起根折,金属烤瓷冠透光性较差而影响美观等。然而,玻璃纤维桩和氧化锆瓷具有良好的生物相容性、美学性和适宜的机械力学性能等优点,近几年越来越多地被应用于临床。我们科将玻璃纤维桩树脂核联合氧化锆全瓷冠



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