
论赵元任乐歌与胡适新诗的结合 - 辅仁大学语言学研究所.pdf

论赵元任乐歌与胡适新诗的结合 - 辅仁大学语言学研究所.pdf

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论赵元任乐歌与胡适新诗的结合 - 辅仁大学语言学研究所

屏東教育大學學報第二十四期 頁445-470 (民國九十五年),台灣屏東 論趙元任樂歌與胡適新詩的結合 —— 以《新詩歌集.也是微雲》為例 張 窈 慈* (投稿日期:民國 94 年 09 月 29 日,接受日期:94 年 11 月 30 日) 摘要 趙元任先生為近現代首位結合西洋音 樂與中國白話新詩的先驅 者。他的藝術歌曲多採用當時詩人的作品為詞,其中《新詩歌集.也 是微雲》曲,正是以胡適先生〈也是微雲〉的新詩作為題材,再予以 譜曲,成為當時眾所傳唱的作品。 今筆者擬從趙先生的詩樂理論,來談趙先生新詩與樂曲結合的相 關性與缺失處,又從胡先生對於新詩的見解,探討〈也是微雲〉的實 踐性。綜觀全文,胡先生〈也是微雲〉的新詩,為白話新文學運動下 的產物,它意味著時代新精神的開創與再造。而趙先生新詩與樂調結 合的主張,則能在音樂創作的實務裡,開闢出一條新的道路來。這樣 音樂與文學結合後的藝術創作,為近現代的音樂奠定了重要的基礎, 可謂劃時代的代表作品之一。 關鍵詞:趙元任、胡適、新詩歌集、也是微雲、近現代音樂 * 張窈慈:國立屏東教育大學語文教育學系碩士生 4 46 屏東教育大學學報 第二十四期 Discussion on the combination between the music song of Mr.Yuen-Ren Chao and new poetry of Mr.Shih Hu—taking “Songs of contemporary poems—It is the tiny cloud (也是微雲)”as an example Yao-Tzu Chang * Abstract Mr. Yuen-Ren Chao is a pioneer who combines western music and Chinese colloquial new poetry in the near modern age. Most of his artistic songs adopt the work from the poets in that age as lyrics, among them, the song of “Songs of contemporary poems—It is the tiny cloud (也是微雲)” uses a new poetry-“It is the tiny cloud”composed by Mr. Shih Hu as its lyrics, Mr. Chao then adds the melody, it is a very popular work at that time. The author now tries to discuss, based on the poetry music theory of Mr. Chao, the correlation and drawback for the combination of new poetry and music by Mr. Chao, meanwhile, the fulfillment characteristic of “It is the tiny cloud” is going to be investigated based on the understanding of Mr. Shih Hu on new poetry. To conclude, we know that the new poetry“It is the tiny cloud”composed by Mr. Shih Hu is a product under colloquial new literature movement, it represents the creation and re-build of the new spirit at that age. Meanwhile, the claim of a combination of new poetry and


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