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提 要 本研究通过搜集胡希恕讲课录音、病案和讲义复印件,研读胡希恕的弟子所出版 著作,对胡希恕的学术思想进行了系统的收集梳理和分析总结,尤其对有关 《伤寒论》 和经方的认识及学术思想,从 “古方可治今病”、“方证是辨证的尖端”、“六经与五 脏辨证异同”、“脉学认识”、“运用经方的三辨”等多个方面进行了较为详细的阐述。 胡希恕师从清末太医学生王祥徵进士,后任职于北京中医学院,一生致力于仲景 学说的研究。其在研究伤寒学术思想的同时,紧密结合临床实际,提出了“伤寒与内 经体系不同”、“伤寒温病实为温病”、“少阴主表”等学术观点,大大丰富了仲景 学说,为《伤寒论》学术的发展,开辟了广阔的空间。同时,胡希恕治学严谨,慎于 立言;崇尚经方,不弃时方;尊重古人,兼采西学,每有心得或疑问都记录在册,其 点点滴滴都闪烁着一个智者对仲景学术参悟的智慧之光,对后世学者的启发颇大。 本课题的研究,一方面系统地对胡希恕经方学术思想进行初步的梳理探讨,进一 步丰富仲景学说,为《伤寒论》学术思想的研究提供新的思路。另一方面对胡希恕经 方辨证等临床思维进行分析总结,挖掘其中辨证论治的合理成分,为中医的临床和经 方的运用提供典范。 关键词 胡希恕;伤寒论;学术思想 Study on Academic thought of HU Xishu’s Treatise on Febrile Diseases Speciality: Basic clinical of TCM Author: Kang Jinlong Tutor: Jiang Jianguo Abstract By collecting the documents of Hu Xishu and studying his followers’ works republished, analyze and summarize the academic thought of Hu Xishu, then state classical prescription of Hu Xishu, from many sides ,which are that classical prescription can treat modern disease, that prescription combination of syndrome is the tip of the syndrome differentiation, that sphygmology of Hu Xishu is so famous. Hu Xishu was taught TCM by Wang Xiangzheng. Later he worked in Beijing University of TCM and devoted himself to study TCM in his lifetime. While studying the academic thought of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, Hu Xishu put forward many new ideas, which are that Neijing and Treatise on Febrile Diseases are in different systems, that febrile diseases with warm disease are really epidemic febrile diseases,connecting closely with clinical reality. These theories enrich theory of Zhang Zhongjing and open a vast space for the de


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