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高三英语作文常见高级表达 A B Sth appeal to sb. 吸引 Arouse one’s attention to sth 引起兴趣 Appeal to sb. To do sth 呼吁 Address a problem 处理问题 Sb have access to sth Adolescent Sth be accessible to sb Take advantage of /make use of 利用 Take sth into account/consideration Advocate (doing) sth 主张 Be accustomed to (doing) sth 习惯于 Have no alternative but to do sth Make great achievements in Applaud a proposal 赞同提议 It’s universally acknowledged that… I would appreciate it very much if you could… Adapt … to… Be fast/sound asleep Be addicted to sth 上瘾 Sth be available (to sb) Be wide awake 完全清醒 Bridge the gap between… 缩小差距 Be in bad need of… /need …badly 特别需要 Hold a firm belief that… 坚信 Keep the balance between … and… Sb be to blame for sth Bear sth in mind / bear in mind that… 记住 Turn a blind eye to sth Be bound to do sth 一定要 Be burdened with sth 有…的负担 Be buried in 忙于 Burst into tears/laughter Burst out crying/laughing Account for C D capture one’s attention Can’t be too careful 再…也不为过 Have a good command of sth Make comments on Commit oneself to sth 因承诺而不得不做 Make a compliment on We can safely conclude that… Make great contributions to Cause damage to Come up with an idea 想出一个主意 Turn a deaf ear to Be devoted to (doing) sth Draw a conclusion that… Distinguish A from B Meet the deadline 赶上最后期限 It never occurred to sb that… Contribute to 有助于 Chances are that… 可能 That is often the case. 这是常有的事。 Cultivate one’s mind 陶冶情操 E F Ease the pressure Be engaged in 从事 Entertain sb with sth Entitle sb to sth 使…有资格做… Narrowly escape sth Be equivalent to Be estimated to Take …for example Be expert in/at Be exposed to sth For fear that 唯恐 Be fluent in Be as follows Fulfill one’s goal Further one’s study To a great extent G H I J K Be grateful to sb for sth / express one’s gratitude to sb It happened that… Hardly had… when… Broaden one’s horizons In my humble opinion Be ignorant of sth Illustrate … with… Indications are that… 种种迹象表明 Be inferior to Sth be inten


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