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英语预备阶段练习(三) I. Useful Expression Find the English equivalences of the following expressions from the texts. (在Text A和Text B中找到相应的英语表达) Unit 5 塞翁失马 the missed blessings 2随着毕业典礼的到来 as Graduation Day approached 3有些失望 somewhat disappointed 4用金字刻着他的名字 with his name curved in gold 冲父亲高声说话 raised his voice to his father 6冲出房子 stormed out of the house 7安排妥当make the arrangements 8他父亲已经去世 his father had passed away 将所有财产留给儿子pass all of his possessions to his son 10心中一阵悲伤和后悔.sudden sadness and regret filled his heart 11标签上写着他毕业的日期 on the tag was the date of his graduation 12.不珍惜拥有的东西 do not spoil what you have 13看上去似乎糟糕的事 what may appear as bad fortune 14.在树荫下打盹 took a nap under the shadow 15摘下树上所有的苹果 grabbed all the apples on the tree 16砍下树枝去造房子chop off my branches to build your house 17很久不曾露面 never showed up for a long time 18.最好的依靠和休息的地方the best place to lean on and rest 19我们身陷困境时when we are in trouble 20为了你的幸福倾其所有 give everything they could to make you happy Unit 6 看着天色渐晚 watch the light begin to fade 2.肠胃不舒服 suffer from stomach and bowel pains 断断续续几个小时 go on and off for hours 4.坐在妈妈怀里 sit in his mother’s lap, 5一堆照片里很显眼 stand out in a sea of photos 6跟其他家庭影集区别不大 not much different from other family albums 7生活地很平凡 live a fairly normal life 8 闪过面庞的表情 emotions that flash across your face 我为 Walt鼓掌 I applaud Walt. 在这上头大赚一笔 made a lot of money out of this 操控人们最大的担忧 manipulate one of man’s greatest fears 12痛苦的迹象 a sign of their misery 13在疯狂的追逐中若有所失 something lost in the mad quest 14再看一眼 give it a second glance 生活就像晃动的钟摆 life is a pendulum swing 16让我相信这个理论 convince me to believe in the theory 17回首那个可怕的夏季 look back on that horrible summer, 18 栅栏里的玉米盆满钵满 my crib overflowed with corn 19结出枯黄、干瘪的谷壳 yielded only brown, empty husks 20庄稼支撑着我 I am still sustained by the crop II. Reading C


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